By John-Henry Westen
WASHINGTON, DC, October 10, 2007 ( – Famed Dear Abby columnist Jeanne Phillips, aka Abigail Van Buren, is being given an award by the homosexual activist group Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) for her endorsement of homosexual ‘marriage’.
“I believe if two people want to commit to each other, God bless ‘em,” the syndicated advice columnist told The Associated Press. “That is the highest form of commitment, for heaven’s sake.”
Stephen Bennett, founder of, a worldwide support group for parents, family members and friends who have loved ones who are homosexual, responded swiftly to the flood of e-mails and calls from his group’s members regarding “Dear Abby” and her controversial statements on “gay” marriage, and her support of the homosexual lifestyle.
“I got into the office an hour or so late today and my e-mail was flooded with people questioning ‘Dear Abby’s’ comments. The phone has been ringing off the wall ever since,” said Bennett.
Bennett, a former homosexual himself, now married almost 15 years to his wife and the father of two children, said, “Sorry ‘Dear Abby’ – You are WRONG on this one!”
“Jeanne Phillips (aka Abby) is opining a lot about how very little she knows. Her using buzz words as ‘homophobic’ and ‘inclusive’ and ‘judgmental’ are to scare people into believing she is ‘right.’ Homosexual family members need to be loved and be treated with respect, yet going as far out on a limb as Phillips did, is showing FALSE love and is actually harmful. We encourage families to love their ‘gay’ identified loved ones unconditionally, yet without ever condoning or accepting the behavior.
“It’s a fine line one learns to walk – and when you speak the TRUTH in love – it pays off. ‘Dear Abby’s’ ignorant advice will only cause more harm and pain to a confused society, and not only to the homosexual individual, but to EVERY family member and friend involved,” said Bennett.
Bennett ended, “Encouraging young ‘gay’ men to accept themselves as such can lead to an early death. I wonder how you would respond to several of our Parents Group members, whose sons have died excruciating and painful deaths due to HIV/AIDS. Try comforting these inconsolable parents.”
In 2001 Phillips caused a stir when she called an uncle’s pro-life witness to his 11-year-old niece “out of line” in a recent advice column. The column responded to a pro-abortion mother whose child was informed by her uncle that abortion is “killing babies”. After the girl asked her mother how she could think killing babies was okay, the mother was distraught and at a loss for answers.
The “Dear Abby” columnist advised the mother to “Explain that you are not in favor of killing babies, but that you feel it is important for a woman to have the right to choose. Some women’s lives have been saved because they were legally empowered to make that choice. It wasn’t always the case.” Referring to the uncle, Abby said, “He was out of line from the beginning for having given your daughter his inflammatory answer to her question.”