By John-Henry Westen
WASHINGTON, February 9, 2006 ( – A homosexual activist group is blaming the recent shooting rampage at a gay bar on Focus on the Family’s James Dobson, the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins, and Rev. Pat Robertson. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Foundation (the Task Force), which bills itself as the first national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights and advocacy organization, has levelled the outrageous charges.
18-year-old Jacob Robida, according to police, injured several people as he opened fire inside a gay bar in New Bedford. He later fled to Arkansas where he murdered his girlfriend and a policeman. He died February 6 in a shoot-out with police. Neo-Nazi and white supremacist materials were found in his home.
In a statement issued after the shooting at the bar, Matt Foreman, Executive Director National Gay and Lesbian Task Force said, “The hatred and loathing fueling this morning’s vicious attack on gay men in New Bedford is not innate, it is learned. And who is teaching it? Leaders of the so-called Christian right, that’s who. Individuals like James Dobson of Focus on the Family, the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins, the Rev. Pat Robertson and their ilk are obsessed with homosexuality.”
Gary Schneeberger, a spokesman for Focus on the Family told, “it’s unfortunate the taskforce would use this tragedy to attack us and make a political point.” SchneebergerÂdescribed the incidents as “the act of one troubled guy”, adding that lumping in Focus, FRC and the other pro-family groups in with the tragedy is “irresponsible and somewhat reprehensible.”Â
Foreman was apparently troubled by the broad influence exerted by Focus and the other groups. “They use their vast resources, media networks and affiliated pulpits to blame lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people for all the ills of society,” claimed Foreman.“They disguise their hatred as ‘deeply held religious beliefs.’”
While it is true that Focus on the Family is an international organization with more than 74 different ministries requiring nearly 1,300 employees; that it’s daily broadcast is heard on over 6,000 facilities worldwide; and that the organization produces six additional broadcasts and ten magazines sent to more than 2.3 million people a month, Schneeberger says Focus’ message is one of love rather than hate.
“We tell our constituents to love (homosexual persons),” Scheeberger told“The Love Won Out conferences urge parents, relatives and friends to love them, to bear to them the love of Christ,” he said.“Does that mean accept their homosexual behaviour? No, but we urge families to stay together.”
Foreman also attacked pro-family groups within Massachusetts saying, “We have witnessed seven years of vicious anti-LGBT organizing in Massachusetts – and endured the hate-filled rantings of Brian Camenker of the Article 8 Alliance and Parents Rights Coalition and Ed Pawlick of MassNews. The blood spilled this morning is on their hands.”
The Massachusetts pro-family group Article 8 Alliance responded to the accusations saying, “It’s now becoming clear that homosexual activist groups intend to use this incident as a springboard for a vicious and cowardly series of attacks on anyone who publicly criticizes the homosexual movement—similar to what happened after the Matthew Shepherd incident.”
See the taskforce press release: