Wednesday January 20, 2010
Former Abortionist Cites Over-Population as Reason to Deny Haitians Refuge in U.S.
FT. LAUDERDALE, FL, January 20, 2010 ( – In an article published January 16, former abortionist Joyce Tarnow advocates denying refuge in Florida to devastated Haitians over fears that this would lead to overpopulation in the state.
The article, published in the Ft. Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, discusses the possibility of refugees from the recent earthquake in Haiti ending up in Florida. Tarnow states, “We have to enforce our borders. There’s nothing more permanent than a temporary visa.”
Even though many Haitians now find themselves homeless after last week’s earthquake, Tarnow, who operated an abortion mill in Ft. Lauderdale for 28 years, says, “Give them all the help they need, but don’t bring them to this country.”
According to a 2004 article in the NewTimes, during Tarnow’s tenure as an abortionist her facility provided between 800 and 900 abortions a year. However, in 2004, Tarnow closed her abortion facility. Afterwards, she became head of the organization Floridians for Sustainable Population (FSP).
According to FSP, many environmental issues are caused by overpopulation. Hence, it is necessary to enact strict population controls in order to save the environment. On its website under the title “Mission,” it says, “An aggressive and persistent citizenry must insist our state and federal leaders recognize and deal with the cause of Florida’s unsustainable growth and consumption-TOO MANY PEOPLE!”
Tarnow believes that multiple methods must be used to decrease the population of the United States – in 2004 she mentioned sterilization as a legitimate possibility for guarding the environment.
“Fertility is an environmental issue,” said Tarnow, “That’s why I try to get as many people sterilized as are in my way!”
But Tarnow has also advocated tougher restrictions on immigration. She specifically mentioned Haiti in 2004, saying it had “denuded the whole land” and then advised Haiti, “Stew in your own juices.”
“We need to help nations that can subsist and let others wither on the vine.”
According to an article from the Associated Press, anywhere from 45,000 to 100,000 have died in Haiti as a result of the earthquake. An estimated 300,000 Haitians are now homeless in the city of Port-au-Prince alone.