By Peter J. Smith
WASHINGTON, D.C., March 21, 2007 ( – A former US congressman and colleague of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has called the Speaker an “anti-Catholic” leader within the Catholic Church for embracing abortion and publicly flaunting her Catholic credentials at the same time.
“She’s just the latest and maybe the most dangerous leader in the long campaign by anti-Catholics within the Church who mislead Americans, get elected and advance the culture of death,” said Robert K. Dornan in an article for the March-April edition of Celebrate Life magazine.
Dornan, a pro-life Catholic congressman from 1977-83, 1985-97, identified Rep. Pelosi (D-Calif.) as a rebel Catholic following the footsteps of a notorious Jesuit priest, Father Robert Drinan, S.J., who abused his influence as an elected Democrat priest in Congress to champion Roe v. Wade and abortion against the clear teaching of his Church on the sanctity of unborn human life.
“He always wore his Roman collar and he misappropriated Catholic teaching,” said Dornan, who watched 21 fellow Catholic congressmen in the House of Representatives embrace abortion advocacy under the aegis of “Fr. Bob’s” blessing.
“Father Drinan was an inspiration to so many in Congress, not just those who served with him, but those of us who came after,” Pelosi eulogized for the radical priest, who died not long after he celebrated a politicized Mass for the Speaker at her alma mater, Trinity University, in January.
Dornan notes that Pelosi sugarcoats her abortion advocacy with religious overtones much like Fr. Drinan, who once demonized pro-life legislation as “uncharitable.” Pelosi boasts a 100% rating from the abortion lobby NARAL and ramroded federal funding of human embryonic stem-cell research in the first 100 hours of the 110th Congress saying it “has the biblical power to cure.”
Pelosi has touted herself repeatedly as a devout “Italian Catholic mother and grandmother” or “conservative Catholic”, which some analysts speculate may reflect efforts by her party to retain the Catholic vote, a key Democratic constituency, which President Bush and the Republicans briefly gained on the life issues in the 2004 election.
Although Pope John Paul II ended the scandal of pro-abortion Fr. Drinan serving in Congress, Dornan said the time has come for American patriots to unite in a “national prayer and education campaign” and petition the bishops to end the scandal of anti-Catholic politicians within the Catholic Church, who oppose its most sacred teachings and claim communion at the same time.
“This isn’t just about Nancy Pelosi. It’s about our beloved Church and country’s future-it’s about saving millions of American children.”
Read Hon. Robert K. Dornan’s article in Celebrate Life magazine:
To sign the petition to the US bishops to enforce Canon Law 915 and deny pro-abort pols communion:
To contact Pope Benedict XVI about bishops who refuse to take action against obstinately pro-abortion Catholic politicians, write the Pope’s Private Secretary:
Monsignor Georg Gäenswein
Private Secretary to the Holy Father
00120 Via del Pellegrino
Citta del Vaticano
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