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October 2, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — Former presidential candidate Carly Fiorina keynoted the homosexual activist group Log Cabin Republicans' 40-year anniversary bash last Wednesday, speaking in glowing terms about LCR, the homosexual “community,” and intrinsic “gay” identity being “who you are.”

The event was held at the Trump Hotel in Washington and drew 250 supporters. Log Cabin has a tiny membership relative to other GOP-oriented groups, reporting just 20,000 members nationwide in 2008.

Nevertheless, as the only serious Republican-oriented homosexual group, Log Cabin is working hard to gain clout in the Trump administration.

The homosexual newspaper Washington Blade reported that Fiorina, in her Log Cabin speech, “mostly avoided LGBT issues before the estimated 250 attendees, although she alluded to advances made in LGBT rights without explicitly mentioning them and credited the 'community' for making progress.”

“A leader challenges the status quo,” Fiorina said, according to the Blade. “A leader never accepts the way things are. That’s why there’s so many leaders here in this room.”

Fiorina, a vocal pro-life advocate, told the Log Cabin audience the story of a homosexual co-worker she called “Bill,” who experienced hardships ostensibly due to his same-sex identification but “refused to be someone other than who he was.”

Echoing “gay”  vernacular, she said, “Everyone has to be free to be who they are,” the Blade reported.

Securing some of Fiorina’s stature in the GOP — and previously Newt Gingrich — to address the group is  a notable achievement for LCR activists. Two years ago, Log Cabin was denied as a sponsor by CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, held in the D.C. area every year and attended by thousands of conservative activists. The next year, CPAC officials relented and welcomed LCR as a sponsor.

Same LGBTQ agenda, different party

LCR generally supports many of the same LGBTQ activist policies as other, Democratic-oriented “gay” organizations. For example, LCR-affiliated activists sued to overturn the Clinton policy of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the military — favoring a complete repeal of the homosexuality ban instead. Log Cabin also opposed President Trump’s reversal of Obama’s controversial “transgender” mandate in public schools. Trump’s action was very popular in conservative and especially pro-family GOP circles.

Earlier this month, Fiorina ruled out a run for the Republican nomination in Virginia against Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine, who was Hillary Clinton’s running mate in 2016, CNN reported.

Fiorina, 62, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, ran unsuccessfully in 2010 as the GOP nominee trying to unseat California Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer. Even in losing to Trump like 16 other Republicans last year, she received high marks from conservatives and pro-family activists for her clear articulation of issues, such as her strong pro-life convictions.

In an odd primary move, conservative presidential primary favorite Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas chose Fiorina as his prospective “running mate” during the Indiana GOP primary as a way to help him overcome front-runner Donald Trump. It didn’t work and Trump easily beat Cruz in Indiana, thus sealing the Republican nomination.