By John Jalsevac
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., March 17, 2010 ( - Two women who once specialized in post-viability abortions during their employment at George Tiller's now closed abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas, have set up shop in an existing abortion facility owned and operated by Texas abortionist Curtis Boyd. Working out of that facility they are now offering lucrative late-term abortions.
The arrangement was announced in a statement on Boyd’s website, reported on by the LA Times on Tuesday, which said, “We are honored to have Dr. Susan Robinson and Dr. Shelley Sella, both of whom worked with Dr. Tiller, joining our staff to perform these procedures. Our dedicated staff specializes in pain control techniques and offers grief counseling and ceremony to women who find them helpful or request them.”
Tiller was renowned for offering macabre post-abortion services for women to “mourn” the loss of their dead child, including baptisms and burials. It is unclear, however, if this is what Boyd’s statement means by “ceremony.”
“We knew about this arrangement well before the LA Times printed their story on Tuesday,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, who said that his group has “been in contact with local pro-life leaders in Albuquerque to offer what assistance we can to their efforts to expose the horrific nature of late-term abortions and pray for those involved.
“We plan to open a satellite office in Albuquerque that will be directed from our headquarters in Wichita.”
According to Operation Rescue, Shelley Sella is a self-proclaimed lesbian from the Oakland, California, area who was once accused by former abortion nurse Tina David of delivering a live baby at 35 weeks gestation, then stabbing the moving baby in the ribcage until he died. Tina David told Operation Rescue about the incident because she said she wanted to clear her conscience. The pro-life group reported the alleged murder to the police, but David recanted under police questioning after having been in contact with other Tiller employees. She told reporters, “I don't want to get involved.”
The other former Tiller abortionist now working for Boyd, Susan Robinson, lists her address on her newly minted New Mexico medical license as the office of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Fresno, California.
Boyd himself admits that he did illegal abortions before Roe v. Wade and shocked America by confessing to a Dallas television reporter that he believes that abortion is killing. “Am I killing? Yes, I am. I know that,” Boyd said during a video interview with WFAA-TV late last year.
Boyd is a backslidden Baptist minister who now identifies with the Unitarian Universalist Church.
During the interview with WFAA last year he also said that he prays often. “I'll ask that the spirit of this pregnancy be returned to God with love and understanding,” he said.
“New Mexico is among the most liberal as far as abortion laws, and has little in the way of requirements to hold abortionists accountable,” said Newman. “That is probably why they set up shop there instead of Kansas, Texas, or Nebraska where the laws would make such abortions more difficult or impossible.”
“Unfortunately, the more liberal the laws, the more the lives and health of women are put at risk because of the lack of standards and accountability. In addition, the later abortions carry with them higher risks to the woman's life and health. Those two factors make Boyd's late-term abortion operation in New Mexico a recipe for disaster.”