
This was the LifeSiteNews daily email introductory message Thursday evening:

Today, we begin our very necessary third quarter fundraising campaign. These four times per year campaigns keep this critical news service going just from one quarter to the next.

As each campaign roles around, our funds have usually gotten very low and need to be replenished. Everything we receive from you gets quickly plowed into doing this work to the maximum because of the urgency of what is happening in the world related to the issues we cover. 

We go all out, all the time, with whatever we are given to work with. And we would do even far more if we received even greater funds. You can always count on LifeSiteNews to put your donations to the maximum use possible for its mission.

No buildings, no luxuries, no waste. Just an unusually dedicated, generous and competent team of pro-life, pro-family warriors working their hearts out, but also needing just a reasonable wage, plus high quality equipment and services to reach as many people as possible.

Please be as generous as you can.

Steve Jalsevac