ROCHESTER, NY, July 25, 2013 ( – This morning, Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life joined Operation Save America and activists from around the country for a memorial service for a 14-week-old child killed by abortion.
In his eulogy this morning, Fr. Pavone said, ““We are holding this service in full view of the public. We are not ashamed of our youngest brothers and sisters, who continue to be brutalized by abortion. We are committed to showing the world the violent atrocity of abortion.”
The child was killed by a prostaglandin abortion, which induces violent contractions.
The child’s body, covered in black bruises from the abortion, was laid in an open casket, as was a previous baby during a funeral in Florida.
“Participating in a funeral for an aborted child is one of the most powerful ways to connect with the reality of these children, and the reality of abortion that killed them,” said Fr. Pavone. “That is why, on September 14, we will co-sponsor a national event in which memorial services will be held simultaneously at about 30 sites nationwide where aborted children are buried.”
Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Priests for Life, and the Pro-Life Action League have set up a website,, containing details of the event.
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Fr. Pavone turned his attention to the state political scene, as well.
“Here in New York, we are committed to showing this atrocity to Governor Andrew Cuomo, who seems to want more abortion, not less,” he said.
Fr. Pavone was referring to Governor Andrew Cuomo's attempted to pass an abortion expansion bill, but fell short of the votes necessary to push it through the legislature.
Priests for Life was active in the efforts to oppose the bill.
“We are grateful that his recent effort to expand abortion in New York was stopped. But that is not enough,” Fr. Pavone added. “We call on him to admit what abortion is and to call for an end to this violence against the youngest children. We need public servants who can tell the difference between serving the public and killing the public.”