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Are you worried about the growing attacks on the freedoms of people who believe in age-old truths about life, family, and faith? Do you ever feel afraid for yourself, your children, or our society?

If, like me, you have ever felt these fears, then you simply must watch this gorgeous 2-minute video reflection on the nature of freedom. I mean it when I say that I think this will be the best two minutes you spend today. 

In light of the sometimes-disturbing events of 2014, I think the message this video powerfully conveys will resonate with all of us who believe in the sanctity of life and the family. 

Today marks the beginning of LifeSite’s year-end Christmas campaign – the most important fundraiser for our organization each year. This year we must raise a minimum of $200,000 by December 23rd to continue our mission into 2015. 



The Christmas season always causes me to pause and reflect on the past year in light of our core mission to serve life, family, faith, and culture through truthful news reporting.

After all, it is precisely this time of year that gives the most meaning and purpose to the work we do at LifeSite. 

But as I look back and reflect on our news coverage for 2014, I have to be honest – I don’t know if I can recall a time in my life when our basic freedoms were in such great peril. 

Consider some of these important events that happened this past year: 

  • There is no denying it: 2014 was the year the scale tipped, and same-sex “marriage” literally swept across the United States as judge after judge in state after state trampled on the clear will of the people, unilaterally striking down voter-approved traditional marriage amendments. 

  • Meanwhile, those who believe in traditional marriage are increasingly being told that they are “bigots” who have no right to their beliefs. Just think of the Benham brothers, who were fired from their HGTV show because of their Christian views; or the Duggars, who were recently the subject of a ferocious media attack, demanding that their show on TLC be canceled because of their belief in traditional marriage.

  • Then there were the deeply troubling events that took place at the Vatican’s Synod on the Family, where we witnessed clear attempts by some Synod Fathers to push through radical changes in the Church’s practice on issues like marriage and homosexuality. Though many of these changes were stopped in their tracks by orthodox bishops, that didn’t stop the spread of mass confusion, assisted by the reporting of the mainstream media. 

And these stories were just the tip of the iceberg. 

These were all very troubling events, indeed. 

However, let us not forget that we are to find strength and consolation in the celebration of Christmas and the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ – the fulfilment of God to free his people once and for all from sin and death. 

In Christ – the way, the truth and the life – we rejoice!

This Christmas, I hope you will prayerfully consider supporting the vital work of LifeSiteNews. 

We are not just another news agency. 

We are the #1 free online news source that offers investigative reporting on the issues that matter the most: life, family, faith, and culture.

We are the source you can count on to provide you with the facts – the facts you need to stand strong for life and family. 

With millions of people visiting our site each month, it would only take 200 people to make a donation of $1,000 for us to reach our goal. 

Whatever you can give, whether it be $35, $50, $100, or $5,000+, we hope you will be as generous as you can this Christmas. 

We are counting on you! And we know you will come through as you have for the past nearly 20 years.