
PARIS, France, Feb 2 (LifeSiteNews) – French young people are abandoning sexual promiscuity and opting for abstinence until marriage. Incredibly, the trend is being seen negatively by sex educators and AIDS groups. In a revealing article in Monday’s National Post, Susan Martinuk writes that the new commitment to chastity and marriage is expected to result in an “amazing 70%” increase in marriages in 2000. Martinuk notes that sex educators and AIDS groups are labelling the healthy trend as evidence of gross ignorance about the “virtues” of safe sex – in other words, children are refraining from sexual relations because of unjustified fears over the ramifications of promiscuous behaviour. These organizations have convinced the government to launch a new nationwide sex education program to fix this alleged problem.

Like the French, Canada’s premiere sex educator, Planned Parenthood, is committed to promoting “sex positivity” – teaching about sex within a context of “sexual pleasure” rather than married love and conception of children.

One revelation that should produce outrage among parents who consider the health of their children more important than politically correct rhetoric is that this strategy includes thereplacement of the term STD (sexually transmitted disease) with the softer term, STI (sexually transmitted infection).

“Apparently the term “disease” caused too much worry,” says Martinuk. “Given this milieu, it isn’t surprising that teen pregnancies in Canada increased 15.3% between 1987 and 1995 – even as sex programs and condom machines flooded the schools.”

See Martinuk’s article in the National Post.