With only a few days remaining in our Summer Campaign, we are looking to you to take the next step to help LifeSiteNews continue to counter the biased mainstream media.
During our campaign we have adopted the slogan, “Take Back the Media.” In doing so, we express a growing desire amongst our readers and supporters for more objective, truthful reporting on the issues of life, family, and culture ignored and misrepresented by the mainstream media.
It turns out we aren’t alone in this desire…
A July 10th Gallup Poll, providentially published at the same time as our campaign to take back the media began, reveals that, in general, American’s confidence in Television news and newspapers is at an all time low.
With only 21% expressing a ‘great deal’/’quite a lot’ of trust in mainstream news outlets, the need for LifeSiteNews as an alternative news source has been confirmed by our growth in the U.S. Compared to this same time last year, our U.S. traffic is up at least 200%.
With $60,000 left to raise in 4 days, we need your support!
Help us Take Back the Media.
Before his untimely death this year, Andrew Breitbart confirmed the importance of new media outlets like LifeSiteNews. His interview with Sun News is well worth the watch.
Interestingly enough, this growing distrust of mainstream media does not yet seem to be as pervasive in Canada, where there still tends to be a liberal uniformity of media outlook, with a few exceptions. Although Canadians surveyed in one recent study expressed 90% confidence in traditional news reporting, we suspect that Canadians are more distrustful of the media than the poll suggests.
Notably, our growth in readership in Canada compared to the same time last year is less than the U.S. growth rate for the same time period. However, it has been picking up in recent months.
One thing is for sure, there is certainly more work to be done for Canadian news readers.
For example, there has been much less of a public response to recent alarming events in Canada as compared with America. Watching the outcry in the U.S. over the HHS mandate, and comparing that with the response to the recent passage of Bill 13 in Ontario, as well as other notable threats to parental and religious freedoms, the difference cannot be more stark.
This Gallup poll confirms our experiences to date, and we are now more confident than ever the remaining strong influence of the mainstream media can be overcome. However, to do that LifeSiteNews needs immediate and continuing financial support from our readers and all who have lost confidence in establishment news reporting.
For life and family,
Steve Jalsevac
Managing Director
P.S. – While I was in Washington D.C. yesterday, prominent pro-life leaders told me they consider LifeSiteNews to be by far “the best news service in the world.”