VANCOUVER, Feb 2 (LSN) – The managing editor of Xtra West, one of the country’s leading
homosexual activist publications, has admitted that the gay activist movement is buoyed by a
foundation of lies. In “No Need to Lie” Gareth Kirkby charges that the incidence of homosexuality is
artificially and grossly inflated as are the numbers of participants at gay rallies. Kirkby
questions the “born this way” argument and also admits that gay activists’ “spiritual forefather”
Alfred C Kinsey’s studies were based on fraud. Last week, Sun Media columnist Michael Coren
exposed the story and urged a copy of the Xtra West editorial be sent to “every judge, ever
politician and every newspaper editor in the country.”“Why tell the truth when itâs a less effective tactic than telling a lie? Well, because itâs a
lie,” wrote Kirkby in the August 20, 1998 edition of Xtra West. What follows are some excerpts
from his article.
Inflated Incidence
“Why is it that some of us continue to bend and twist and otherwise play loose with (often
out-dated) so-called facts. Why, for example, do we continue to insist that 10% of the overall
population is gay or lesbian? Think about it; that would mean that three people in your Grade 9
class were queer. Our personal experience strongly suggests that this figure, despite its
omnipresence, just isn’t accurate.”“Born This Way”—NOT”Or how about the argument, admittedly more common in the U.S. than here, that we are all ‘born
this way’? This sounds like a plea that we are handicapped and deserve pity for our sad
misfortune. More to the point, it’s painting sexuality with a broad sweep of the brush.
Personally, after a number of relationships with women I chose to be gay … “
Exaggerated Turnout at Events
“How about the tendency of some groups to exaggerate the turnout at gay events? Were there really
150,000 people at this year’s Vancouver parade? That count was an estimate by an off-duty police
officer and not based on aerial photographs of the crowd … In 1996 the Toronto pride organizers
claimed 800,000 people turned out for the parade and festivities. But an analysis using a grid
system concluded that the proper figure was closer to 150,000.”
“This tendency to exaggerate may go all the way back to our spiritual forefather, Alfred C
Kinsey. A powerful new biography by James Jones offers strong evidence that Kinsey rigged his
social experiments that produced results that are quoted to this day. You know the figures; 10
percent of men are gay, 85 percent had premarital sex, 70 percent had bought sex from a
prostitute, 37 percent had at least one same-sex contact to the point of orgasm, and 17 percent
had sexual contact with animals.”“Kinsey, it turns out, was a closet gay and a profound masochist. He also had sex with his
students… Kinsey biased his samples.”