By Elizabeth O’Brien
TORONTO, August 17, 2007 ( – The recently approved Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace regulations for the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) include the protection of same-sex partnership despite the fact that such relationships expressly contradict Catholic Church teaching.
On May 2 the TCDSB approved the new regulations against discrimination and harassment, stating at the same time that the board is committed to “providing a safe and welcoming environment that is an example of Christian Community”. In addition, the board “gives pre-eminence to the tenets of Roman Catholicism.”
Discrimination is defined as “unfair treatment” based on a list of qualities such as race, sex, colour, ancestry, place of origin, ethnic origin, marital status, age, disability, citizenship, family status or religion. The list now includes “same sex partner status” and “sexual orientation.”
(To read the Toronto Catholic District School Board workplace harassment regulations visit the website:”>
To contact the TCDSB Chair and Trustees and politely voice concerns:
Oliver Carroll, TCDSB Chair
80 Sheppard Ave. E.
North York, On
M2N 6E8
Phone: 416.512.3408
To Contact the Archdiocese of Toronto and respectfully voice concerns:
Archbishop Thomas Collins
1155 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario, M4T 1W2
Phone: (416) 934-0606, ext. 609
Fax: (416) 934-3452
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