
MADRID, September 8, 2005 ( – Only 22 same-sex “marriages” have been registered in Spain since the law was introduced July compared to the 35,000 heterosexual marriages that took place in the same period.

The lack of interest in “marriage” by same-sex couples has one writer commenting that the move was a bust. “The so-called need for legalizing homosexual marriages in Spain has one big problem. Hardly anybody wanted it – that is except the politicians,” writes Spero News writer Robert Duncan.

Duncan quotes from the Spanish newspaper La Razon, which contacted Spanish marriage registries in order to compile their statistics. “This means that around two out of every 100 of the 10,474 homosexual couples registered in the National Statistics Institute census has decided to take this step,” La Razon notes. “The proportion is even smaller if we compare it to the roughly 35,000 hetero couples that have been married in the two months since the law has come into vigour.”

“Whatever happened to the so-called 5 percent to 10 percent of the Spanish population that were going to benefit from this new law?” Duncan asks.

Duncan also writes that there are still legal questions, as at least two judges have refused same-sex “weddings,” challenging the new law as unconstitutional. The judges have asked the Supreme Court to look into the law.

See related coverage:
  Spain’s Gay “Marriage” Law Comes into Effect
