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CHICAGO (LifeSiteNews)  — Two gender-confused teens on hormones as part of a children’s hospital study committed suicide, the latest evidence of the dangers of injecting kids with drugs to  affirm their delusions about being able to change their sex.

A recent paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine looked at 315 gender-confused teens who were given “gender-affirming hormones” as part of a study conducted by numerous researchers, with many affiliated with the controversial Lurie Children’s Hospital and Northwestern University’s transgender programs. Both receive millions of dollars from the wealthy and powerful Pritzker family, which counts the governor of Illinois and the former Secretary of Commerce among its ranks.

One researcher, Amy Tishelman, is affiliated with Boston College, a Jesuit Catholic university. The Catholic Church opposes gender ideology and the idea that a man can become a woman and vice versa.

“The most common adverse event was suicidal ideation (in 11 participants [3.5%]); death by suicide occurred in 2 participants,” a note on the paper states.

The study drew criticism from Jesse Singal, a social science journalist who wrote an essay explaining the flaws in the paper, which claimed to find benefits to injecting kids with drugs to help them pretend to be the opposite sex.

Singal argued that the research team cherry-picked the data, noting that the paper left out various outcomes it hoped to study, as disclosed in initial paperwork.

He wrote:

If you compare that to the protocol document, you’ll notice that of the eight key variables the researchers were most interested in — “gender dysphoria, depression, anxiety, trauma symptomsself-injury, suicidalitybody esteem, and quality of life” — the ones I bolded are not reported in the NEJM paper. That’s six out of eight, or 75% of the variables covered by the researchers’ hypothesis in their protocol document

He called it “borderline misleading” for the researchers to claim that “there were significant within-participant changes over time for all psychosocial outcomes in hypothesized directions.”

“This is borderline misleading. By ‘all’ psychosocial outcomes, they don’t mean all the ones they measured and evaluated for change over time — they mean the ones they chose to report results on,” Singal wrote.

Transgender research regularly is flawed, ignores contrary opinions

Research into medical standards for “gender-affirming care,” which falsely claims that individual can change their sex, continues to be plagued by low standards. It also ignores opinions from credentialed medical experts whom have warned about the harms of transgenderism.

For example, a study by a paid advocate for the LGBT lobby tried to debunk the idea of a “social contagion” behind the rapid increase in transgender identification.

However, Jack Turban’s research was called a “disaster” by one social science journalist, while Catholic University of America business and research methods professor Michael New told LifeSiteNews the paper used flawed research. The LGBT advocate relied on surveys that had confusing questions about “sex,” particularly if someone believed they were the opposite sex than they were. Turban also did not interview any gender dysphoric individuals for his study.

“In a field known for its weak methodologies and even weaker scientific conclusions, Turban’s study sets a new low,” Leor Sapir, with the Manhattan Institute, wrote in response to the paper.

LifeSiteNews has compiled testimonies from formerly gender-confused people along with insights from credential medical experts on the harms of transgenderism. This is a resource for confronting LGBT activists and helping gender-confused individuals realize the harms of chemical and surgical mutilations. Read more here.

