(LifeSiteNews) – In a resurfaced video, a gender surgeon admitted to committing mutilating operations on gender confused teenagers and confessed that they are “very new” procedures to be committed on minors.
The doctor also admitted to certain elevated risks and “unique challenges” that he faces, particularly when surgically castrating adolescents who have taken puberty blockers.
The video was released by Empower Physiotherapy on January 5, 2022, and has been circulating on social media in recent weeks. Dr. Brianna Durand, a physical therapist who founded the organization, interviewed Dr. Blair Peters on the connection between so-called gender affirming surgery and post-operative therapy.
Empower Physiotherapy was founded in 2019 “to provide much-needed affirming care [sic] to the LGBTQIA2S+ [sic] community.” Peters works for Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) in Portland as a surgeon who described 80% of his work as mutilating procedures for gender confused individuals.
He commits facial, chest and genital surgeries but expressed a particular passion for phalloplasty – using skin from a woman’s forearm for the creation of artificial male genitalia – and vaginoplasty, during which a man’s penis and scrotum are reconstructed to mimic a female vagina and vulva.
“[There are] a lot of adolescents presenting for surgical intervention,” Peters said, noting that some 70-year-olds also seek the procedures. “But the adolescents for sure present some unique challenges.”
“Obviously, there’s great evidence supporting pubertal suppression for many benefits, but something that is very new is genital surgery on someone who has underwent [sic] pubertal suppression.”
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Peters’ claim of “great evidence” – which he did not support with any statistics or research – has been proven false as data on the impact of puberty blockers shows serious irreversible damage, including infertility, pregnancy complications and inhibiting bone growth.
“As a specialty, those of us that do a fairly high volume of genital gender affirming [sic] surgery, we’ve maybe done a couple, a handful of pubertally suppressed adolescents as a field and nobody’s published on it yet. OHSU is, we’re just putting our first series together as we’re learning and figuring out what works.”
Peters explained that vaginoplasty on a teenage boy is especially challenging “because you don’t have enough tissue to line the vaginal canal,” leading surgeons to use a robot to take peritoneum – the inner lining of the abdomen – to create a lining for the fake canal. Though this type of surgery is requested more often, the doctor also pointed out that “lifelong dilation [of the artificial vagina] is pretty much the rule” regardless of whether a robot is used.
Peters then indicated that allowing a child to take puberty blockers is often a precursor for mutilating surgery. He said, “when you’re consenting someone for pubertal suppression and there likely is some effect on down stage genital surgery, but you don’t know if an individual’s going to desire genital surgery in the future or not.”
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He noted that such an invasive surgery as vaginoplasty – and the intensive post-operative requirements to maintain the artificial parts – is a dramatic change for a teenager “who never went through puberty or never engaged in sexual activity.”
In these situations, Peters said, “not only are you facing the struggle of not having a lot of tissue to work with, but that tissue hasn’t been under the influence of testosterone, which definitely affects some things.” Other patients, he argued, “may have not had an opportunity to have a sexual partner” due to “psycho-social issues,” dysphoria or “blatant transphobia in society.”
“So, then, trying to assess things like erogenous outcome after surgery when someone’s never had an erogenous experience in their life is incredibly difficult because they don’t have a baseline to compare it to.”
Durand, who specializes in pelvic floor therapy for those who self-identify as part of the LGBT community, commented that she has had many patients who have inhibited or complete lack of orgasm post-genital surgery.
Both doctors agreed that it’s difficult for kids who are 17 and 18 to “do this really aggressive relaxation and dilation” and that “we really need a robust support system” to further entice gender confused boys to mutilate their healthy bodies.
“Long term, we want people to not only have relief from dysphoria but have a functional and satisfactory, great sex life, too,” Peters said after establishing that sexual function is a major challenge before and after surgery. He also wondered if “encouraging genital engagement pre-operatively is a bad thing or a good thing.”
In addition to sexual difficulties, rectal injury and urinary incontinence were mentioned as common side effects following the creation of an artificial vaginal canal.
‘Transgender’ program at university hospital commits wide range of mutilating surgeries
OHSU, where Peters works, is a research university and hospital that boasts an extensive “transgender” program for both children and adults. Surgeries committed at the clinic are mastectomy, breast augmentation, phalloplasty and metoidioplasty, vaginoplasty and vulvoplasty, hysterectomy, nullification surgery, oophorectomy, orchiectomy, penectomy, scrotectomy, scrotoplasty, urethroplasty, and vaginectomy. Adam’s apple and vocal surgery are also listed.
Cross sex hormones for adults is specified on another webpage and “treatment” for minors is outlined under the Doernbecher Children’s Hospital website, which is an affiliate of OHSU. Patients can be any age up to 18 and medical intervention (puberty blockers) can begin by age 10. Requirements for receiving the irreversible drugs include an “intense pattern of gender nonconformity,” dysphoria that “emerged or worsened when puberty began,” “the child is stable enough to start treatment” and has “given informed consent.”
Regarding the use of cross sex hormones, the website also claims that “most teens have the maturity to make these decisions by age 16.” These drugs have been linked to numerous long-term health issues including higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Additionally, the hospital “consider[s] timing, especially for teens seeking surgery before leaving for college.” Ages for surgery are not specified on the site.
The program also admits that depression, suicidality and weak bone density are risks of taking puberty blockers. “Permanently reduced” fertility is listed as a risk of cross sex hormones along with high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol. The program further confessed that “there is limited information about the long-term effects” of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones on gender confused individuals.
OHSU’s website also claims that “children usually develop some sense of their gender by age 2 to 4” and “recognize that their gender identity is different from the one they were assigned at birth” by age 3 or 4. In a section labeled “tips for gender diverse teens,” the program tells gender confused youth “it’s up to you who knows” about their identity struggles and to “think about who might threaten you if they find out you’re transgender or gender nonbinary [sic].”
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