TORONTO, May 14 (LSN) – Pro-lifers, ethicists, and spokesmen for Canadians with disabilities all reacted with indignation yesterday at the two-year sentence handed down to Maurice Genereux, the first Canadian doctor convicted of assisting suicide. Dr Philip Hebert, a medical ethics expert who testified against Genereux in court, said, “It’s an extremely light sentence for a very, very serious charge.” Hugh Scher, spokesman for the Council of Canadians with Disabilities, told reporters the ruling reinforces the fears of people with disabilities. “It’s a horrible prospect for disabled people,” he said. “There’s a lot of fear around this issue, and it’s not helped by a sentence which is a slap on the wrist.” Crown attorney Michael Leshner promised to fight for an appeal of the decision, saying, “A very significant penitentiary sentence is appropriate.” Leshner attempted to distance the case from the obvious link to “mercy-killing,” by saying, “this is not Sue Rodriguez.” Sue Rodriguez was the BC woman who killed herself with the assistance of a doctor in 1994 after the Supreme Court of Canada rejected her claim to a “right” to assisted suicide. It is unclear why Leshner believes the Genereux case is not related to the Rodriguez case, since both involved “voluntary” euthanasia.
TORONTO, May 14 (LSN) – Pro-lifers, ethicists, and spokesmen for Canadians with disabilities all reacted with indignation yesterday at the two-year sentence handed down to Maurice Genereux, the first Canadian doctor convicted of assisting suicide. Dr Philip Hebert, a medical ethics expert who testified against Genereux in court, said, “It’s an extremely light sentence for a very, very serious charge.” Hugh Scher, spokesman for the Council of Canadians with Disabilities, told reporters the ruling reinforces the fears of people with disabilities. “It’s a horrible prospect for disabled people,” he said. “There’s a lot of fear around this issue, and it’s […]