Andrew H. from Harwood, Ontario tells LifeSite, “Keep up the awesome work”. Jeanne K from Connersville, IL wrote, “Our committee needs all the info we can get to keep our parishioners up to date on all life issues. Thank you for the great work you are doing- it is sorely needed at this time.” Mary S. From British Columbia says “Thank you for this service. It is an excellent source of information. It not only contains important news, but also inspires me to work harder for the cause of life and dignity.” U.S. Congressman Chris Smith wrote, “Your site is very informative and helpful as we work for greater communication and assistance between pro-life parliamentarians worldwide” Please Donate to LifeSite. It’s definitely free but… those readers who are able to send donations allow LifeSite to continue to be a unique, quality news and information service.
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Andrew H. from Harwood, Ontario tells LifeSite, “Keep up the awesome work”. Jeanne K from Connersville, IL wrote, “Our committee needs all the info we can get to keep our parishioners up to date on all life issues. Thank you for the great work you are doing- it is sorely needed at this time.” Mary S. From British Columbia says “Thank you for this service. It is an excellent source of information. It not only contains important news, but also inspires me to work harder for the cause of life and dignity.” U.S. Congressman Chris Smith wrote, “Your site is […]