WASHINGTON, DC, July 28, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A member of the Board of Governors of the Alumni Association at Georgetown University, a Catholic academic institution run by the Jesuits in Washington, also helps lead two organizations that have donated millions to the pro-abortion and pro-homosexual cause.
The connection was revealed by Scott Walter, a Georgetown alumnus, writing on “The Catholic Thing” blog. He reported that Melissa Bradley, a graduate of Georgetown’s class of ’89, who serves on the Board of Governors of the university’s Alumni Association, also serves on the board of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund. According to the fund’s website, it has contributed over $2 million toward the election of candidates who support same-sex “marriage” and abortion.
Bradley’s main occupation has a similar leaning. She is the CEO of the Tides Foundation, which touts itself as a supporter of homosexual activism and abortion rights groups.
Tides Foundation’s list of grantees from 2010 shows that the group processed grants for the NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation ($39,385), the Center for Reproductive Rights ($12,500), California Latinas for Reproductive Justice ($440,000), Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice ($322,500), and Planned Parenthood’s Action Fund ($500,000), the group’s political advocacy department, and various other PP affiliated groups, among many others.
The Tides Foundation proudly touts the fact that in 2008 it “granted $5.1 million to LGBT issues including more than $1.1 million to support educational efforts in support of marriage equality in California.” It also “granted $9.6 million to women’s rights and reproductive justice, including successful efforts to stop anti-choice ballot measures in Colorado, Oregon, and California.”
Walker, however, observed: “These millions of dollars [Bradley] wields in the trenches of America’s battles over innocent children and traditional marriage don’t bother Georgetown.”
Not only does Bradley sit on the Georgetown U. Alumni Association board, but also on the school’s “LGBTQ Initiative Working Group,” an offshoot of the university’s fully funded homosexual resource center. She also recently received the school’s Reed Alumni Award, where it was noted that she lives “with her partner/wife, Allessandra,” also a Georgetown U. alumna, and their six children.
Contact information:
President John J. DeGioia
Office of the President
Georgetown University
204 Healy Hall
37th & “O” Streets, NW
Washington, DC 20057-1789
Tel: (202) 687-4134
Fax: (202) 687-6660
Email: via Chief of Staff Joseph A. Ferrara at [email protected]