
WASHINGTON, D.C., February 22, 2013, (Family Research Council) – Today the Girl Scouts of America celebrate “World Thinking Day.”

On “World Thinking Day,” they earn badges for thinking about hunger or talking to a Peace Corps volunteer. They also “give thanks for” their membership in the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts(WAGGGS), the creator of World Thinking Day. And to really show their thanks, they collect money to send it to WAGGGS. Parents, hold on to your pocketbooks!


A noted player on the international stage, WAGGGS is an ardent advocate for controversial social policies including abortion and sex rights for children. Girl Scouts USA is its single largest organizational funder. In fact, every American girl who joins a Girl Scout troop at her neighborhood church is made a de facto member of this radical group.

If you have not read about the plans, programs, and priorities of WAGGGS, you must do so today. I promise, it will give you something to think about.

Read about WAGGGS here:

Reprinted with permission from Family Research Council.