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(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon spoke with Darina Rebro, a freelance journalist based in Kiev, Ukraine.

Rebro shared some of the sights and sounds of the Ukrainian capital city as their Russian neighbors invade the country on multiple sides — a situation that, suffice it to say, many Ukrainians hoped they’d never have to confront.

“We hear sirens every day. Many, many times we hear shelling. In the first days, the shelling was very loud,” she said. “It was more often and we could hear the bombs even inside the bomb shelter. We can see soldiers burst in on the streets. The local citizens have united in organization … They have guns and you can tell who is yours and who is [the] enemy. Because Ukrainians, Ukrainian soldiers, and the citizens, the armed citizens, they have a yellow tape on their shoulders.”

Rebro then explained why she decided to stay in Kiev rather than flee the country.

“First is the age of our grandparents and the fact that we did not want to leave them,” she said. “But the second reason, and it’s more conscious, is because we strongly believe that as Christians, we should be where the problem is. If God put us in the city and He let the situation happen, it was not because he wanted to immediately get us out, [but] because he wanted us to be helpful to our neighbors in this time and people in the shelter and people and on the streets. That’s why we’re here.”

Rebro also discussed with Jonathon the war propaganda on both sides, Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky, and more. Listen to this week’s episode below:

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