LONDON, UK, July 9, 2012 ( – Mega-search engine company Google, well known for its endorsement of homosexuality and same-sex “marriage,” announced a new international campaign over the weekend focused on forcing their homosexual ideology on countries that they describe as “homophobic.”
Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe, Google’s head of diversity, made the official announcement during the Global LGBT Workplace Summit in London on July 7, and indicated that the initiative, called “Legalize Love,” debuted in Poland and Singapore that day because Poland does not recognize same-sex couples and Singapore has laws against sodomy.
“The ‘Legalize Love’ initiative will promote human rights and tackle employment discrimination in countries with anti-gay laws on the books,” Google said in a written statement, according to CNN.
The campaign will eventually expand to every country where the company has an office, said Palmer-Edgecumbe, but first will “focus on places with homophobic cultures, where anti-gay laws exist,” adding that “Singapore wants to be a global financial center and world leader and we can push them on the fact that being a global center and a world leader means you have to treat all people the same, irrespective of their sexual orientation.”
“We want our employees who are gay or lesbian or transgender to have the same experience outside the office as they do in the office. It is obviously a very ambitious piece of work,” Palmer-Edgecumbe said, according to the homosexual professional networking site Dot429.
According to Dot429, Google’s strategy involves “developing partnerships between companies and organizations to support grass-roots campaigns.”
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Panelists at the Global LGBT Workplace Summit included Bob Amnnibale of the international financial conglomerate Citigroup, Harry Gaskell of the professional services firm Ernst & Young (, and Claire Lucas of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), who all praised Google’s homosexual initiative against Poland and Singapore.
Lucas said, “What we have found is that a partnership between corporations and the US government is very powerful. We are working with some NGOs and some corporations on a global LGBT partnership. The corporations are co-funding with the US government these civil society organizations around the world.” USAID is well known for pushing contraception, legalized abortion, and sterilization on developing countries all over the world in its population control programs.
Bob Amnnibale, an openly homosexual Citigroup executive, said, “The fact that Google is so virtual and its appeal is very wide and young demographically means it can help spread messaging very, very quickly,” while Harry Gaskell noted the weight of financial clout that could be exerted on the governments of small countries by wealthy companies.
“If you are trying to change something, governments can exert diplomatic power, NGOs can martial facts and arguments, but corporations martial economic power. That is something even the most passive of countries will listen to,” he told the summit according to Dot429.
Dot429 had stated in their original coverage that the “Legalize Love” campaign was launched by Google “with the intention of inspiring countries to legalize marriage for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people around the world.”
Google subsequently issued a correction statement saying the Dot 429 report was “inaccurate” and that the campaign is not specifically targeted at marriage equality laws.
“Legalize Love is a campaign to promote safer conditions for gay and lesbian people inside and outside the office in countries with anti-gay laws on the books,” said a Google spokesperson in the statement.
However, Google has given support to same-sex “marriage” initiatives in the past, including strongly opposing Proposition 8, the successful 2008 referendum in California that banned same-sex “marriage,” and supporting a 2011 lawsuit seeking to nullify the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the U.S. federal law that protects marriage as between a man and a woman.
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Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe
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