DALE COUNTY, Alabama, July 20, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Republican Rep. Mo Brooks recently appealed to President Joe Biden to repeal Fort Rucker’s order requiring unvaccinated people to wear masks on the Alabama U.S. Army base.
According to The Birmingham News, the southeast Alabama base’s commanding officer last week published General Order No. 12 , mandating masks for both soldiers and civilians unless they can show proof their vaccination against COVID-19.
It was alleged that this order is necessary to stop the spread of the supposed “delta” variant, despite scientific evidence that the delta variant has a 99.9+ percent recovery rate.
In response, Brooks wrote to Biden on Monday, saying, “Our soldiers should not be intimidated or coerced by the government into taking an experimental shot that has death and other ill-effect risk associated with it.”
Brooks asked Biden to “respect the rights of our military personnel and allow them to make their own informed decisions about their healthcare.” Some are unwilling to receive the experimental vaccines because of the known side effects, which include heart attacks in young men.
“Defense Department senior leaders have had ‘preliminary discussions’ about making the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for all U.S. troops once the vaccines receive full approval from the Food and Drug Administration, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said during a Tuesday afternoon press briefing,” Air Force Times reported July 6.
“America’s men and women in uniform fight for the very liberty and freedom Fort Rucker’s leadership denies them. This is un-American,” he wrote.
“Whether or not to choose to receive a vaccine should be strictly between the patient and doctor after weighing the benefits and risks,” he continued. “Nowhere in the phrase ‘doctor – patient confidentiality’ is the word ‘employer’ included.”
Brooks explained that the order is discriminatory because “naturally immunized military personnel at Fort Rucker” – soldiers who already contracted and recovered from the Wuhan coronavirus – will still need to wear masks. He also wrote that wearing masks is dangerous for health.
“Masks have small fibers that regularly loosen and are lodged in users’ lungs. Some masks have inks and dyes which, when consumed by lungs, have unknown cancer and other health risks,” Brooks wrote.
“Certainly, all or almost all masks reduce oxygen intake into the human body, with all the risks this imposes,” he continued. “There is also the unknown risk that, in the heat and humidity of summers in the South, heat stroke risks increase among mask wearers.”
Numerous studies have shown that masks are dangerous. Six masks (five worn by children, one by an adult) were sent into a lab at the University of Florida after parents noticed rashes and skin disturbances on the faces of their children.
The results showed that the masks were a seedbed for harmful bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Another study found that face masks cause children to inhale six times the safe limit of carbon dioxide.
Furthermore, there is no evidence that masks reduce the spread of COVID-19, and even the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has admitted that masks do not work against prolonged exposure to the infected. A panel of renowned doctors recently concluded that “masks don’t work,” but are used to control the populace.
LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.