OTTAWA, Jan 4 ( – A leaked government document obtained by the National Post reveals that the federal government spent hundreds of thousands supporting lesbian groups, while at the same time slashing monies to valuable services. The Post reported today that a draft working paper titled “Approved Funding … Target Group: Lesbians” reveals that Status of Women Canada paid $253,918 for a ‘lesbian planning conference’ and other similar events during the 20-month period ending Dec. 4, 1998.”
The report notes that most of the money was distributed in BC where Status of Women head, Hedy Fry, represents a Vancouver riding. Of particular concern are funds directed at promoting the acceptance of lesbianism by children. One grant of $10,000 was made to Environments for Women, “a group of women who are concerned about the lack of a gender perspective in school curriculum.” The leaked document noted that the government funding “will support the revision and production of the curriculum as well as the support material.”
For more see the National Post.