
VANCOUVER, BC, Feb 23 (  Kathleen Mahoney, a Professor of Law at the University of Calgary,  was called in to the BC Supreme Court in recent weeks as an expert witness in a case involving freedom of speech. Mahoney argued in court that the Canadian Charter of Rights is superceded by the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Despite Mahoney’s evident lack of respect for the sovereignty of Canadian law, she was recently appointed chairman of the board of directors of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development (ICHRDD),  which claims to promote democracy abroad. 

Mahoney’s comments involved a free speech case in which the Westbank Indian Band have taken Bill Berscheid to the province’s human rights commission saying that he violated the BC Human Rights Code (BCHRC). Berscheid’s lawyer, Doug Christie, took the case to the Supreme Court arguing that the BCHRC denied his client free speech protections guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Mahoney countered that the Charter was subject to the UDHR, which prohibits criticism of minority groups.

Pro-life forces have been warning Canadians for years that the undemocratic process by which Canada is represented at the UN and signs on to UN treaties would undermine Canadian sovereignty and democracy, eventually suspending or superceding Canadian law.