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Archbishop Marek Jedraszewski

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KRAKOW, Poland, February 26, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The Metropolitan Archbishop of Kraków preached against the “Great Reset” envisioned by globalists, saying there is no renewal without Christ.

“It is in Christ that we must achieve 'a great reset,’ a great renewal, and a reordering of our lives,” said Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski in Kraków’s Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church on Wednesday. 

Jędraszewski (pronounced yen-dra-SHEF-ski) is the third successor of the late Cardinal Karol Wojtyła to the important southern Polish diocese. According to the Polish Catholic “Niedziela” (Sunday) magazine, the metropolitan archbishop reflected in his homily on the English word “reset” and how the word most appropriately pertains to the Lenten season. He said the “fashionable word” described the experience of people of Nineveh in the day’s reading (Jonah 3:1-10) after the prophet Jonah warned them of God’s wrath. 

“The inhabitants of Nineveh believed Jonah, they called for a fast and everyone, from the least to the greatest, wore sackcloth,” the archbishop said. 

“And God responded to the collective ‘reset’ of the people of Nineveh by changing his original plan for the city,” he continued. “It was a great new reality, a new way of life thanks to Jonah’s call, which the inhabitants of Nineveh believed and accepted.”

The archbishop then discussed an entirely different call to “reset”: COVID-19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, and economist Thierry Malleret. The book, he noted, had a vision of a renewed humanity, but one without any reference to God. 

“As a human community, we are supposed to deal with endangered species of animals; zoonotic (animal-to-human) pathogens; poisoned air; the level of greenhouse gas emissions; geopolitical, physical and psychological analyses about modern society’s state of health; about moral and ethical dramas; and the existential crisis that plagues Western societies,” Jędraszewski related. 

He stated that one of the chapters of Schwab’s book was entitled “Redefining our humanity” and that this section “mentions joining the whole person with a machine” that will assist in bringing humanity to a higher level of evolution. 

The new and improved human being championed by COVID-19: The Great Reset is to be more empathetic, involved in social and economic questions, like climate change and LGBT ideology, involved in international movements like Black Lives Matter, concerned for immigrants, willing to sacrifice himself and his own aspirations in the business of building a better world — “and to throw out any reflection about who I am as a human being as pointless, unnecessary, useless,” the archbishop added. 

“Where is a place for God here?”Jędraszewski asked the congregation. 

“How can one speak about a new man and a new world without reference to God?” he continued.

“The enormous work of several hundred pages only once refers to religion. It has no mention of transcendence, of God. Eventually, there is some talk of an undefined 'Mother Nature' written with capital letters.”

The archbishop quoted historian Grzegorz Kucharczyk, who believes that the globalists’ ideas are opposed to Christianity.

“The globalists are trying to take advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to completely devalue everything that Christianity has contributed for almost 2,000 years, and is still contributing, to the good of mankind,” he said. 

Jędraszewski also cited Professor Renato Christina of the University of Trieste, who said Schwab’s work “lacks certain and clear ideas, there are no foundations there, no foundations on which to build the future; instead, there is an invitation to widespread confusion.” 

“The book itself shares in the chaos that affects the contemporary Western world,” the archbishop continued. “It is a manifestation of nihilistic secularism and a direct route to the dechristianization of society.”

The archbishop eventually referred to his episcopal predecessor and his Christian anthropology.

“Let us remember also the powerful message John Paul II carried for almost 27 years and which he shared right from the beginning: ‘Open wide the doors to Christ!,'” Jędraszewski said.

“Open the doors to Christ, the doors of your hearts and minds, but also entire political, social and economic systems, because only Christ knows what is hidden in the heart of a human being,” he continued. 

“And only Christ is the key to understanding who I am as a human being. He reveals my dignity, the dignity of a child of God.”

The archbishop concluded by calling Catholics to a true “reset” in Christ, their particular duty in the season of Lent. 

“It is in Christ that we must achieve a great reset, a great renewal, and a reordering of our lives,” he said. 

“And it is today the fundamental task of our experience of Lent (…) to respond to our relationship with another human being, expressed through the widely understood practice of almsgiving,” he continued. 

“It is a holy time in which we must renew our relationship with God, praying to Him as the Lord Jesus taught us: Our Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, give us this day our daily bread.”