May 14, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – A group of Canadian physicians published a declaration “For science and truth” in response to a recent statement from a provincial doctor’s college which said doctors must not speak their mind if that would contradict the “official” government response to COVID-19.
The group’s declaration is a direct response to a recent statement from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), which was focused against doctors who take to social media to speak their minds freely in opposition to COVID-19 lockdowns.
The CPSO statement says that doctors who go against public health measures, vaccines, or promoting “unproven treatments for COVID-19,” will be investigated.
In response, several Canadian physicians declared, “On April 30, 2021, Ontario’s physician licensing body, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), issued a statement forbidding physicians from questioning or debating any or all of the official measures imposed in response to COVID-19. The CPSO then went on to threaten physicians with punishment – investigations and disciplinary action. We regard this recent statement of the CPSO to be unethical, anti-science and deeply disturbing.”
“The CPSO must immediately withdraw and rescind its statement of 30 April 2021.”
The doctors group bills itself as a “broad and diverse group of Canadian physicians from across Canada,” who are sending out this “urgent declaration to the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of our various Provinces and Territories and to the Public at large, whom we serve.”
LifeSiteNews contacted the group to ask more about the declaration and the history behind it, but the group said they will not be doing interviews until next week.
The physicians’ declaration has been signed by 8,545 individuals at the time of this writing, with 312 of those signatures being from doctors. The declaration is open for the public to sign.
“We physicians believe that with the CPSO statement of 30 April 2021, a watershed moment in the assault on free speech and scientific inquiry has been reached,” reads the declaration. “We will never comply and will always put our patients first.”
The CPSO’s April 30 statement said that there have been “isolated incidents of physicians using social media to spread blatant misinformation and undermine public health measures meant to protect all of us.”
The group of physicians says that at its core, the primary obligation of a doctor is not to the “CPSO or any other authority,” but to patients.
The declaration then states how the CPSO declaration “violates” a doctor’s pledge to his patients in three ways, by “Denial of the Scientific Method itself,” violating a doctor’s pledge to “use Evidence-Based Medicine for our patients,” and by violating the “Duty of Informed Consent.”
“We physicians know and continue to believe that throughout history, opposing views, vigorous debate and openness to new ideas have been the bedrock of scientific progress. Any major advance in science has been arrived at by practitioners vigorously questioning “official” narratives and following a different path in the pursuit of truth,” reads the doctors declaration.
“The CPSO is ordering physicians to express only pro-lockdown views, or else face investigation and discipline. This tyrannical, anti-science CPSO directive is regarded by thousands of Canadian physicians and scientists as unsupported by science and as violating the first duty of care to our patients.’
Regarding the CPSO’s statement violating the “Duty of Informed Consent,” the doctors’ declaration states that the Nuremberg Code, which was drafted following the horrors committed within the Nazi concentration camps, “expressly forbids the imposition of any kind of intervention without informed consent.”
“In the case of the lockdown intervention for example, physicians have a fiduciary duty to point out to the public that lockdowns impose their own costs on society, including in greatly increased depression and suicide rates, delayed investigation and treatment of cancer (including delayed surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy), ballooning surgical waiting lists (with attendant greatly increased patient suffering) and increased rates of child and domestic abuse,” reads the doctors’ declaration.
Lastly, the declaration states that a notice is given to Canadian and international licensing authorities for physicians and allied professions “that the stifling of scientific inquiry and any order to violate our conscience and professional pledge to our patients, itself may constitute a crime against humanity.”
Jay Cameron, a lawyer for the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) recently told LifeSiteNews that the CPSO’s attempt to stifle its members speech is an “abuse” of authority, and they have no “monopoly” on the truth.
According to Cameron, the CPSO must respect and uphold “the freedoms of thought, belief, opinion and expression of the physicians it governs.”
Doctors fight back against CPSO statement
Ontario Dr. Patrick Phillips, who signed the declaration, has been critical of lockdowns, and has supported the use of Vitamin D to help overcome COVID-19, blasted the CPSO statement on social media, saying he will “not comply.”
“Ontario’s medical regulator, tasked with protecting the rights and safety of patients, has actually banned informed consent for patients. They have taken away your right to be informed about: – the harms of lockdowns – vaccine adverse events – Covid treatments. I will not comply,” wrote Phillips.
In response to the April 30 CPSO statement, anti-lockdown Brampton Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill also took to Twitter to fight back.
In social media posts, Gill has stated many times over the last few months her views on vaccines and COVID-19 lockdowns. She has been an advocate of using HCQ as a treatment for COVID, saying the “smears against Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)” as an effective treatment for COVID-19 “need to stop.”
Gill was issued warnings by the CPSO for her anti lockdown views, her promotion of alternative treatments for COVID-19 such as HCQ, and for blasting COVID-19 vaccines as “not” needed.
Gill, along with a legal team from the Constitutional Rights Centre headed by Toronto lawyer Rocco Galati, have launched a $6.8 million libel suit against those who she says have opposed her along with the past president of the Ontario Medical Association (OMA).
Gill is claiming her reputation as a doctor has been maliciously maligned though a “coordinated” attack.