
AURORA,IL, May 4 (LSN) – Pro-life activists picketing an abortuary in Aurora were threatened on March 21 as a raving pro-abort drew a gun after asking if a pro-lifer holding a sign depicting an aborted child was “ready to die.” Police arrested Justin Jordan after receiving his licence plate number from the pro-lifers and he turned over the gun to police. However, the local media have chosen to ignore the story.  After yelling threats at various demonstrators from his car, the anti-lifer called out to activist Randy Means carrying a sign showing Baby Malachi, ordering him to take the sign away. When Means failed to comply, the driver then asked Means if he were afraid to die to which means responded “No,  I am here in the service of my Lord and I have him as my Saviour.” The assailant then drew a Colt 45 and aimed it at Means saying, “Are you sure you are ready to die?” After keeping the gun aimed at Means for some time he drove off.  For more information contact Dennis Duehning [email protected]   (source: Pro-Life E-News Canada)