
BURLINGTON, Ontario, April 7, 2004 ( – In response to the report last week that the Halton Catholic District School Board would be hosting gay-sensitivity training at two of its high schools, received the following rebuttal:

The director of education for the board stated in his reply, “The H.O.P.E. (Halton Organization for Pride in Education) Peer Education Pilot Project was launched…” as “a Human Rights education initiative, designed to raise awareness of the harmful effects of homophobia and to reduce the instances of violence that can occur in our school communities and beyond.”

In a Special Report, “What Gay & Lesbian Activists Won’t Tell You or Your Children: Homosexual Myths and Realities,” Professor Hymie Rubenstein relates a list of “myths” and “realities” regarding homosexuality. Rubenstein wrote the article in reaction to a Winnipeg school board’s decision to incorporate homosexual education in the curriculum.

One myth Rubenstein exposes is that “There is no hidden “homocentric” agenda. All gay/lesbian activists want is the same protection from verbal and physical abuse as heterosexuals.” The reality, he argues, is: “The ‘Gay Rights Platform’ calls for ‘encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by Gay women and men, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy preference and lifestyle, as a viable alternative to heterosexuality.’”  The Director of Education for the HSDCB makes no mention of Catholic ideals, or a Catholic position on homosexuality, such as the fact that the Catholic Church teaches that homosexual acts are a “gravely disordered.”  Rubenstein also asserts that it is a myth that “The public schools have a duty, if not a right, to teach students about sexual identity.” The reality, he argues, is that “Public schools are a creation and reflection of society. Why should they be forced to set up a special program to satisfy the moral-political agenda of a tiny special-interest group whose values most parents do not agree with? Public schools were established to teach literacy, numeracy, and to impart the wisdom of the ages. If so many of our schools are doing such a poor job teaching the tree R’s, how can they be trusted to impart knowledge about such a complex, politically charged, and sensitive issue as human sexuality?”

A third myth Rubenstein exposes is that (Halton District) “homosexual students are subjected to pervasive and systemic harassment.” The reality, he asks, is “Where is the evidence for this assertion? In fact, if there is any victimization of gays/lesbians, it is trivial compared to the daily harassment of students who are fat, short, belong to visible minorities, etc. Parents, teachers, and school board officials should continue to condemn all forms of hurtful and demeaning name-calling.”

Rubenstein refutes the idea that “Refusing to allow children to openly discuss their homosexual preference in the classroom is immoral and unethical.” In reality, he suggests, if (Catholic) “parents teach their children that homosexuality is sinful and unnatural, what gives gay/lesbian activists the right to call such instruction immoral and unethical?”  Devoting $14,000 to a program for the purpose of desensitizing Catholic students to a homosexual lifestyle as an acceptable expression of Catholicism is considered reprehensible by faithful Catholics. H.O.P.E. represents itself clearly on its web-site as a “Resource for Halton’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual, Queer and Questioning Community.” Questions are being asked as to whether this is the kind of resource that faithful Catholic parents want their children exposed to?

Messages to Catholic board:   To contact the Halton Catholic District School Board Trustees:

Read Rubenstein’s Special Report at:

Read last week’s report exposing the program: