HAMILTON, Ontario, February 8, 2013, (LifeSiteNews.com) – Hamilton's public school board will launch a mobile app called TipOff this month that will allow students to anonymously drop the dime on their peers when they think they are being bullied.
Pam Reinholdt, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (H-WDSB) superintendent of student achievement, said that the board is making sure that students have an anonymous way to digitally report the perceived bullying by their peers.
“We're very excited about it,” she said.
The TipOff app for iPhone and Android phones, developed by InTouch Mobile, is not to be confused with the “Okamoto Freedom Project” app that bears the same name but that turns one’s mobile device into an early-warning system for fornicators afraid of getting caught in the act.
Reinholdt revealed at a board meeting last month that users of the app “will be able to make anonymous reports via a central ten digit phone number or, for those with smart phones, via the HWDSB TipOff Mobile App. Each text report received by the Service Center will be associated with a school name, tagged with an incident type and assigned a priority flag as appropriate. Assigned school personnel will be immediately notified of incidents related to their school, and will be able to track, intervene, and/or resolve incidents.”
The three month pilot project will be implemented in six H-WDSB schools including Saltfleet, Glendale, Westdale, Waterdown, Sir Winston Churchill, and Cardinal Heights.
The announcement of the app comes on the heels of the H-WDSB having revised its anti-bullying policy. Pro-family groups have pointed out that many anti-bully policies in general specifically aim at silencing those who disagree with homosexual activity and the deadly consequences of living the gay lifestyle by offering explicit protections to students who identify themselves as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. Critics have suggested that such policies do more to advance a political agenda than to offer actual protection to vulnerable children.
Because of the pro-gay slant of many anti-bullying policies, critics say that anti-bullying apps will result in children being mobilized into homosexual activism.
Kari Simpson, president of Culture Guard, told LifeSiteNews.com in a recent interview that mobile app strategies effectively mobilize children to do the “dirty work of spying on and reporting those who dissent from the sex activist political agenda.”
“Parents should be aware of the political propaganda behind this initiative. It has nothing to do with protecting children, even though it is being implemented under the guise of ‘anti-bullying.’ On the contrary, it is a very strategic and dangerous agenda that seeks to deconstruct the traditional family unit,” she said.
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In a 2008 article appearing in the Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, Catherine McGregor laid out the map used by homosexual activists to use schools as a springboard to transform the culture into accepting the homosexual lifestyle.
McGregor wrote that the “challenge for educators is to dismantle such heteronormative frames through anti-homophobic or anti-oppressive pedagogies and practices”.
Heteronormative social norms to be dismantled include “those practices and discourses that privilege heterosexuality, both explicitly and implicitly in their day to day usage”.
McGregor argued at the time that “legislative and/or policy tools” in school environments must become “central practices by which such systemic wide measures can be implemented”.
Pro-family leaders have expressed dismay over pro-homosexual crusaders turning to a generation of tech-savvy kids and gifting them with gadgets to implement a cultural revolution on homosexual issues and other sexual issues.
Georges Buscemi, president of Campagne Quebec Vie, told LifeSiteNews.com in a recent interview that such a move has the effect of “instill[ing] a climate of oppression and fear in anyone who disagrees with any of the opinions of the homosexualist movement”.
Simpson pointed out that it is time for Canadians to “wake up and realize” that the public education system is the “prime political recruitment centre” for homosexual activists.
“In effect, schoolchildren are being rigorously recruited for homosexual activism under the guise of anti-bullying,” she said.