Right now the traditional family is under severe attack.
Will you help LifeSiteNews.com to defend it, by contributing to our Summer Campaign? (Click here)
On Sunday, I attended the Gay Pride Parade in Toronto. As expected, I was greeted by the sight of numerous scantily clad and completely nude revelers shouting “Happy Pride.”
But more than anything, I was struck by the sheer number of ordinary people who voluntarily came to support this overt and grotesque display of sexuality… many of them with their young children in tow.
While there are clear signs that pro-life advocates are starting to win on abortion, especially in the U.S., the future doesn’t look as bright for the family.
With the enthusiastic help of the rich, the powerful, and the famous, and the all-too-willing mainstream media, the tactics of the “gay pride” agenda are proving to be frighteningly successful – to the detriment of the family, traditional sexual ethics…and our freedoms.
Have no doubt about it. Many gay rights activists are not satisfied with mere “tolerance” – they want acceptance, even if it tramples on our basic rights. Already we are seeing devout Christians losing jobs, being fined, and being ostracized, simply for speaking up in defense of the family.
Unless something changes soon, this may be only the beginning.
LifeSiteNews.com is at the forefront of exposing the truth about homosexuality and the gay agenda, and reporting possible solutions.
Please help us continue providing our culture-saving news coverage by making a donation to our Summer Campaign. (Click here now.)
But while we live in frightening times, we at LSN also believe that it would be wrong to give in to fear. On the contrary, we believe our response to the gay rights agenda must be one of love.
As I was standing watching Sunday’s Gay Pride parade, I was filled with sadness for all the lost, confused souls who were participating in it.
The fact is, despite the unprecedented levels of social acceptance for homosexuality, the gay community continues to be plagued by soaring levels of deadly sexually transmitted diseases, drug abuse, depression, and suicide.
And no wonder!
We know that only God can provide the peace and happiness for which we all crave. What could be more opposed to this than the promiscuous gay lifestyle?
As our editor-in-chief, John-Henry Westen, wrote last week, it isn’t acceptance that homosexuals need. It’s freedom from the homosexual lifestyle, and all its dangers and miseries.
At LSN, we believe that the best tool to fight the gay agenda is caritas in veritate – or love in truth. We also believe that any response that is motivated by hatred or fear is doomed to failure, and ultimately counter-productive.
Unfortunately, however, there are so few now who are willing to speak up and proclaim this message of love, because it is politically incorrect to do so.
Without independent news sources like LifeSiteNews.com, where would we be? Who would be left to tell the truth and proclaim this message?
So please, for our culture, our children, and for the homosexuals themselves, who are in need of God’s love and freedom from the homosexual lifestyle, please consider making a donation to LSN today. (click here to donate)
All of our staff, without exception, are devoted to defending life and the family, no matter what the costs. But without your generous support, we would not be able to continue this vital mission.
Again, please consider supporting LifeSiteNews through a generous contribution of $5, $50, $250, $500, even $1,000 or more to our Summer Campaign. (Click here to donate)
We must reach our necessary goal of $150,000 by July 13th in order to continue this crucial news service.
Thank you for being our allies and standing up for truth.
For the Culture of Life,
Steve Jalsevac
Co-founder and Managing Director
P.S. The recent passing of the “gay marriage” bill in New York is another demonstration of the widespread push for a forceful acceptance of homosexual activity. You can help LifeSiteNews inform and activate society to defend the true meanings of life and family.
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