CHELTENHAM, England, April 9, 2014, ( – When a cyst the size of an orange was discovered on her only ovary, Sarah Muukua refused to let doctors remove the organ, knowing the operation would eradicate her chances of ever conceiving a child. Thanks to her resolve, and against all odds, her little one-year-old son Michael is now alive and healthy, a “little miracle” to his parents.
As reported by the Daily Mail, Muukua had a long history of ovarian cysts that impaired her chances of conceiving a baby, though she and her husband, Clemens, tried for over ten years.
In November 2010, doctors had to remove her right ovary. Muukua says that she started experiencing chronic pain after the operation and that the nerves in her stomach were damaged after the operation.
“Two years ago the pain got even worse and the doctor sent me for a scan – it showed a cyst on my left side the size of a small orange. They told me they needed to remove it straight away and they gave me a consent form to sign. One of the possibilities on the consent form was to remove my left ovary if they couldn’t save it.”
Muukua knew that with her left ovary gone, her chances of ever conceiving a child would go with it. Consequently, she refused the operations, though she knew it posed a viable risk to her own health.
“I just couldn’t bring myself to sign it as it was giving up my last hope of children,” she said. “I was in floods of tears as three different consultants and the head of gynaecology all tried to talk to me about the consequences. … They said if cysts rupture it can give you blood poisoning and that I was in danger of it exploding.”
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Because of her difficulties in conceiving, Muukua and her husband had come to terms with the idea of adopting or fostering children, but those expectations were upended when she conceived only weeks after doctors found the cyst. She had been in the midst of counseling sessions to persuade her to go through with the operation.
“I had just got my head around it and then all of a sudden it was all turned upside down. … I started going off coffee, which I absolutely love, so I took a pregnancy test and realised I was pregnant. …When it showed positive I was absolutely shocked, me and Clemens were so surprised.”
The Muukuas were overjoyed to be new parents, but there was still a long road ahead of them.
Throughout her pregnancy, Muukua was administered drugs to keep her hormone levels normal and underwent several scans and tests to ensure that mother and child were fine. On March 8, 2013, Michael was born, at a healthy 7 lbs. 10 oz.
Amazingly, the cyst disappeared after the birth. “The cyst had also dispersed so I no longer needed the operation,” Muukua stated.
“I never thought I would conceive, let alone experience childbirth. Michael is our little miracle. … He is amazing. He is such a good little baby, unbelievably good and happy. … At the time, all the odds were against him being here but he still he made it into the world.”