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March 4, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Scientists at Oxford University are now suggesting that people should be given a coronavirus vaccine every time they travel abroad.
“The sort of criteria that might be introduced … is that when one travels internationally for a short trip, going on vacation for example, that one is vaccinated each time on that occasion for that particular trip,” stated epidemiologist Christopher Dye, a leading author of a report published recently in the Royal Society Journal in the U.K.
This statement contradicts what people have previously been told about COVID-19 vaccinations. Originally it was believed that one shot would suffice. That narrative quickly grew into the need for several doses to achieve immunity. Then, health “experts” suggested they would be annual, like flu shots.
Now, scientists at Oxford University are suggesting vaccinations be administered before every international trip. This would also seem to tie into the ongoing push for “vaccine passports” in numerous countries.
Soon, vaccines and vaccine passports may not be the only things required for travel. A growing number of “experts” are now pushing for the removal of exemptions which protect infants from mask mandates. Until recently, most countries’ public health policies recognized the wisdom in not masking babies and young children., the parenting arm of the American Academy of Pediatrics, published the following recommendations for children under two years old when it comes to wearing masks: “Children under 2 years old should not wear face coverings, though, because of suffocation risk. Also, anyone unconscious or unable to remove a face covering on their own should not wear one.” This would include sleeping children.
But that might change very soon based on a thirty-minute study conducted on fewer than 50 children.
JAMA Network Open, a monthly open access medical journal published by the American Medical Association, published a study on March 2, 2021, that said putting surgical masks on 47 infants and young children for 30 minutes was “not associated with changes in respiratory parameters or clinical signs of respiratory distress.”
The JAMA study concluded, “These findings suggest that the use of surgical masks among children may be promoted during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, especially in view of the reopening of schools.” However, it is unclear whether this half-hour study will now be the springboard for promoting or lifting any exemptions on infant-masking for longer periods, like travel by plane, for example.
A mother in Canada was kicked out of a ski lodge for not masking her 13-month-old even though she was following public health guidelines, which echo American guidelines on not masking children under two years old. According to Kitchener Today, “Rebecca Adam said she was picking up a ski badge on Sunday at Chicopee in Kitchener for her three-and-a-half-year-old daughter’s upcoming lessons.”
“At the entrance I got turned down because my baby didn’t have on a mask,” said Adam. “I told her under two, Ontario law is no masks. She said it didn’t matter.”
Masking, by definition, covers the nose and mouth — a practice which has never been recommended for infants. In fact, for decades health experts have advised parents to ensure their infants’ mouths and noses are not obscured by blankets or other fabrics. Obstructing an infant’s airways increases risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
Before new parents leave the hospital with their newborns, they are inundated with literature reminding them to place infants on their backs to sleep and remove any loose bedding, pillows, and/or stuffed animals from cribs.
In fact, according to American Academy of Pediatrics, “Soft objects such as pillows and pillow-like toys, quilts, comforters, sheepskins, and loose bedding can obstruct an infant’s nose and mouth … A large percentage of infants who die of SIDS are found with their head covered by bedding. Therefore, no pillows, sheets, blankets, or any other items that could obstruct infant breathing or cause overheating should be in the bed.”
However, common-sense practices are now being superseded by new “studies” which seem to have the goal of putting draconian policies before the wellbeing of infants by justifying masking infants as young as four months old to avoid a disease from which they are not dying.
Children are also not spreading the illness, either. AAP News and Journals reported, “A January 2021 study involving 100,000 students and staff says 99.968% of children do not get Covid-19 from school. There were only 32 reported cases of infection (.032%), and there were zero instances reported of a child infecting an adult.”
LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.