By Steve Jalsevac
Today’s article on the discovery of a 1500 year, harmless global warming cycle over at least the last one million years prompts us to encourage LifeSiteNews readers to more critically investigate this global warming issue.
For us at LifeSiteNews, our radar has been up on the issue for a long time. The noticeably close identification of global warning alarmism with the United Nations and many individuals and other organizations that are known, strong advocates of world de-population measures and dramatic, self-serving cultural changes, causes us to believe the de-population movement has a big hand in the current fear mongering.
Yes, the world does appear to have warmed up a bit recently and yes, our daily injection of various substances into the atmosphere might be having some affect on weather conditions, but that is, we suggest, all that can be said so far.
As we all know in northern, variable climate regions – daily and weekly weather predictions are often far off the mark. Nevertheless, firm predictions are being made about devastating, long lasting changes in the weather in the years ahead. Very doubtful. It all sounds so much like Thomas Malthus and Paul Ehrlich.
The serious contradictions and numerous highly credentialed scientists expressing strong doubts about the current dire predictions should tell us there is likely much more to the extreme demands of the Kyoto protocol and other extreme international measures being demanded by climate saviors.
We encourage our readers and especially students at all levels of education to not accept as gospel the overwhelmingly one-sided view being presented to them on this issue by the mainstream media and the educational and environmental establishment. A healthy skepticism is, we suggest, very much warranted.
To that end we include below links to past related stories and newsbyte items that have been on LifeSiteNews. In becoming aware of these credible alternative views and information on the issue you will be able to make far better informed decisions and help others to better evaluate the situation.
The de-populationists, pro-abortionists, one world government forces, environmental extremists and political correctness enforcers need to have their claims constantly challenged by an aware public.
LifeSiteNews is not anti-environmentalism. Really, who is against pollution control and ridding the world of genuinely harmful man-made substances? It is in our natural best interest to support these efforts.
We love the forests, rivers – nature. However, we also don’t like being exploited by some with extreme, anti-people or purely self-serving agendas and serving up exaggerated scenarios or false statistics to advance their personal projects.
What we want is the truth. That is always the role of LifeSiteNews for our readers – what’s really happening on the issues dear to us and our families and communities.
See previous stories and NewsByte links:
* Discovery of Constant, Sun Spot Induced, Harmless 1500 Years Global Warming Cycles
* Global Warming Fanatics Warming Up to Evangelicals – Concerned Women for America
* The Right to Breathe – carbon dioxide a pollutant? – Free Congress
* Predictions of man-made catastrophic global warming are simply unsustainable
* Cow ‘emissions’ more damaging to planet than CO2 from cars
* UN downgrades man’s impact on the climate
* U.S. Government Publishes ‘Skeptics Guide’ To Global Warming
* Media Shows Irrational Hysteria On Global Warming
* Gaia scientist Lovelock predicts planetary wipeout
* Saving lives versus saving planet Earth.
* Stern Review – The dodgy numbers behind the latest warming scare.
* The Hewlett Foundation’s answer to global warming? Abort babies.
* A Challenge to Journalists Who Cover Global Warming
* New Research Adds Twist to Global Warming Debate
* Eco-Extremists Exploit Tsunami Tragedy to Promote Global Warming Ideology
* “New Study Shatters Supposed Scientific Consensus on Global Warming”
* “The Kyoto Accord Justifications – An ‘insult to science’”
* “Kyoto Will Create Economic, Bureaucratic Boondoggle”
* Cataclysmic Global-Warming Prediction Could Have Been Released on April 1st
* The new green totalitarianism – Terence Corcoran, Financial Post
* Big new push for new gas taxes – Terence Corcoran, Financial Post