OTTAWA, May 4, 2005 ( – Canadian government officials, claiming sperm shortages for artificial insemination, are calling for sperm donors. Health Canada is calling on reproductive clinics for aid “to develop and implement strategies to recruit altruistic [not for pay] donations of sperm and eggs in Canada.”
“The information gathered will be made available to all [reproductive] clinics across the country to help them recruit altruistic donors and will be used by Health Canada to inform its policy development process,” a press release from Health Canada said Monday.
Tanya Granic from Campaign Life Coalition told, “This act is an embarrassment to Canadians and an insult to taxpayers . . . is this the place the Liberal government feels it needs to place its attention?”
See related reports:
Artificial Pro-Creation Linked To Double Risk Of Birth Defects
Australian Authorities Approve Scheme to invite Canadians for “Sperm Donor” Holidays