July 20, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Victoria Hearst, daughter of former Hearst Corp. chairman Randolph A. Hearst, has teamed up with a young model’s online petition to get the “absolutely pornographic” Cosmopolitan magazine out of the hands of vulnerable young girls.
The raunchy mag, a staple of grocery check-out lanes across America, blares its kinky tastes across every cover: “Kinky Sex – 64% of you want to try this” – “Sex he craves” – “99 sex moves” – “Your orgasm! the secret to super satisfaction every time.” Ms. Hearst, who converted to Christianity in the 1990s, is the heiress of the company that publishes Cosmopolitan – and says she is answering God’s call to join forces with model Nicole Weider, who hopes to put a stop to the corruption she experienced as a youth.
Originally a family magazine, Cosmopolitan morphed into its current form in the 1960s after sagging sales prompted the hiring of Helen Gurley Brown, a famously liberal feminist bent on promoting “sexual liberation.” Today Weider says that, like Hearst, she once was guilty of reading the magazine as a young girl – although even a few years ago the magazine was not nearly as bad as it has become today.
Weider described her shock at picking up a recent article after noticing a group of preteen girls admiring an issue featuring Twilight actress Ashley Greene on display at CVS. “It seriously talked about all these freaky sex positions I’ve never even heard of,” she said.
For her part, Hearst said in a recent interview that she felt compelled to join Weider’s campaign and demand that her family business get “a moral compass and put [Cosmopolitan] in an opaque bag and make it sold only to adults.”
“The Lord started telling me, you need to go talk to the company and tell them what they’re printing is wrong,” Hearst told World Net Daily.
Hearst said she didn’t receive a response to her initial complaints, saying she was dismissed as a “Christian fanatic.” But her family ties proved useful as she confronted her blood relations at a family reunion at the Hearst estate in California.
At that meeting, she told the Observer, she got very different responses: one cousin agreed but was too timid to join the fight, while another said he wouldn’t mind if his preteen daughter read the magazine because he would want her to have an enjoyable sex life.
Weider’s petition on Change.org has gathered over 35,000 signatures, and will be delivered to the Hearst headquarters in New York.
“This publication has steadily declined into a full-on pornographic ‘how to’ guide for teens and vulnerable young girls,” states the petition. “Every issue dares girls and encourages them to try new sex moves (including anal sex), engage in threesomes, experiment with lesbianism, have public sex, watch porn, (with specific URLS listed- October 2011 issue.) and using sex toys such as dildos, shower heads, and vibrating tongue rings to ‘please your man and stimulate your clitoris.’
“This readily available magazine has become one of the media’s worst influences on girls.”
The model, who converted to Christian advocacy after her own encounter with degraded Hollywood culture, also plans to send several of the petition signers to stage a protest at the same location.
Cosmopolitan has responded by insisting that the magazine targets only 18-24 year olds, and therefore doesn’t require censoring. “Our readers are 18-34 years old, and we have never targeted readers younger than that,” a spokeswoman for the magazine told Off the Record.
But the same article pointed out that its choice of cover girls tells a different story: “In the past six months alone, they have included Dakota Fanning, Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato. They’re all 18 or older, but their fan bases are much younger.”