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TUCSON, Arizona (LifeSiteNews) – Parents say they were misled by the government and pharmaceutical companies about the safety of the COVID-19 jabs after their children began to suffer severe adverse events from coronavirus shots, including death.

Two such parents spoke at a conference organized by outspoken COVID shot critic Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) on November 2, the clips of which were broadcast as part of the Truth for Health Foundation’s Wednesday installment of the Stop the Shot conference series, “The Vaccines & Children: What are the Risks?”

Ernesto Ramirez, the single father of 16-year-old Ernesto Ramirez, Jr. who died following reception of the Pfizer COVID shot, warned the conference that “we’re going to have more deaths on our hands than they planned. And they say it’s worth the risk. It wasn’t worth the risk to me.”

Ernesto Jr. took the abortion-tainted mRNA jab on April 19, dying just five days later on April 24 after suffering from an enlarged heart, reportedly double its size.

Speaking on the reasons behind getting the jab, Ramirez, who had received Moderna’s shot earlier in the year, said that he was led to believe that the Pfizer jab “no doubt was safe for teenagers,” and subsequently asked his only son to take the shot, believing it was “the right thing to do.”

However, “it was like playing Russian roulette,” he later stated. “My government lied to me. They said it was safe. Now I go home to an empty house.”

Citing an October study, Ramirez said that details about dangerous heart conditions in teenagers, such as myocarditis, was known earlier in the year (around May) but was not published until much later.

“Why wasn’t this information released until October 1 this year?” he asked. “If we would have known this, my son would be here with me. That’s child abuse right there.”

“They knew what was happening. I consider that murder,” he continued.

“I love the hell out of my country,” Ramirez said, “but I don’t trust my government anymore. I’m here because I’m Junior’s voice, I’m doing this in his honor. If I could protect one or two children [by speaking out], that means the world to me. And I’m going to continue this fight.”

Maddie de Garay, injected at age 12, is permanently disabled and continues to have severe health problems

Stephanie de Garay appeared alongside her daughter, Maddie de Garay, whom she had entered into Pfizer’s COVID shot trial for 12 to 15-year-olds, the result of which has rendered disastrous results to Maddie’s health, including permanent disabilities.

Stephanie told the conference that her daughter was a healthy young 12-year-old at the time of being entered into Pfizer’s child trial alongside her brother, Lucas, who was given the placebo and is currently in good health.

In the nine months since Maddie received the second dose of Pfizer’s mRNA jab, her health has declined dramatically. “She can’t walk, she’s in a wheelchair, she has an NG [nasogastric] tube for all of her nutrition, she has constant pain in her stomach, back, and neck … she can’t fell her legs.” Stephanie explained. “And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.”

Following Maddie’s first dose, Stephanie said that her reaction was “typical,” having suffered nothing more than fever-like symptoms, all of which subsided within “a couple of days.”

However, within a day of receiving the second shot, “she had immediate pain where she had gotten the injection.”

“In less than 12 hours,” Stephanie continued, Maddie “developed severe abdominal pain, horrible nausea, painful electric shocks on her spine and neck. Her hands were ice cold when you touched them … and on her feet … pain all over her body.”

Although having suffered so much already, Stephanie said that she continues to discover health problems in her daughter as time goes on. More recently, Maddie developed severe chest pain, which she described as feeling as though her heart “was being pulled out of her neck.” An electrocardiogram showed that Maddie’s heart had begun beating at an unusually high rate, a condition called tachycardia, since taking the second shot.

Vaccine is unsafe and totally unnecessary for kids

Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D., CEO of the Truth for Health Foundation, explained that children are broadly unaffected by the novel coronavirus and that the only children who are at any real risk of serious illness or death “are those who have obesity, diabetes, lung disease such as cystic fibrosis, serious medical conditions that make them already vulnerable.”

Vliet suggested that, while these children do face increased risk, treatment is available for such individuals without the need to rely on the jabs, the long-term effects of which are unknown. “Kids rarely become hospitalized from COVID and are actually at much greater risk of death in a car accident or driving accident,” she added.

Continuing, Vliet affirmed that “children are also not the drivers of the spread of the virus. Kids are unlikely to be the source of COVID-19 infections for the household, and there aren’t data to support the idea that children at school cause infections in teachers.”

On the other hand, there are known risks with the COVID shots, she said, and without long-term testing, which is not yet available for the jabs, the safety data is lacking.

“This is a genetic vaccine, not a traditional vaccine. Heart problems … are well known complications of the COVID shots,” she cautioned.

“For boys aged 12 to 17, heart damage adverse events occurred in 162 of one million: a rate that is six times higher than their risk of COVID-19 hospitalization.”

Vliet’s claim that children face extremely low risk from COVID-19 is borne out by the facts. Thousands of reports of serious adverse events and deaths following the jabs has led numerous experts to criticize the push to inject children with the experimental shots.

This summer, researchers with Johns Hopkins School of Medicine found a “mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia” when they “analyze[d] approximately 48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with COVID in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.”

In response to the finding, lead researcher Dr. Marty Makary accused the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of basing its advocacy of school COVID “vaccination” on “flimsy data.”

‘A lot of room for human error and concern of reporting bias’

Regarding the trial itself, Stephanie noted that, using an app called TrialMax, Pfizer logged details of reactions to doses of their COVID jab for just seven days after administering each shot. Additionally, “the app only allows you to record solicited adverse events like fever, redness, injection, site pain, swelling, headache, vomiting, and other typical, expected reactions,” with options for mild, moderate, and severe cases of the choices listed, stated Stephanie.

Beside anaphylactic shock, “there’s no free form at all to fill in any other reaction that you have beyond the typical, non-serious adverse events,” she said.

In order to lodge adverse events of a more serious nature, or that simply are not listed on the TrialMax app, Stephanie noted that trial participants are required to contact the study doctor or principal investigator directly. “That’s the only way to record this; there’s no way to have any unbiased way of entering it [an undisclosed reaction] and documenting it.”

“We did what we were told, we called the study doctor and they told us to go to Cincinnati Children’s E.R., where the trial was held, to check for appendicitis. She did not have appendicitis. They couldn’t even find her appendix. What made it into the trial record is unclear.” Though requesting “several times” to have Maddie’s reactions documented, Stephanie said that “we still don’t know what was actually reported.”

“So basically, as you can see, this leaves a lot of room for human error and concern of reporting bias coming from the principal investigator.”

The principal investigator for Maddie’s trial group was Dr. Robert W. Frenck, the same man who is billed as the lead author on the New England Journal of Medicine’s article on the Pfizer COVID jab in adolescents, published in May.

Within the article, Stephanie said that adverse events made up a short section of only 308 words, within which there was “absolutely no mention of any of Maddie’s adverse reactions.”

A memo from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on an amendment to the emergency use authorization (EUA) for Pfizer’s jab in adolescents does make mention of Maddie’s adverse reactions, ultimately diagnosing her with “functional abdominal pain,” which is essentially “a stomach ache,” Stephanie explained.

“One participant experienced an SAE [severe adverse event] reported as generalized neuralgia, and also reported 3 concurrent non-serious AEs [adverse events] (abdominal pain, abscess, gastritis) and 1 concurrent SAE (constipation) within the same week. The participant was eventually diagnosed with functional abdominal pain. The event was reported as ongoing at the time of the cut-off date,” the FDA report reads.

Stephanie added that “by the data cut-off for the trial on March 13, Maddy experienced over 35 adverse events.”

Maddie made nine visits to the E.R. and was hospitalized three times for a total of 63 days. It was during this time the jab was approved for 12 –15-year-olds under the FDA’s EUA protocol.

Despite attempts to make contact with the regulatory bodies responsible for overseeing vaccine production and authorization, and with Maddie’s story being publicized, having been picked up by medical attorney and blogger Aaron Siri in October, “neither Pfizer, the FDA or the CDC has ever talked to us or attempted to. We have never heard anything from them. Ever,” Stephanie said.

LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.


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