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Father Giorgio Maria FaréVeritatem facientes in Caritate / YouTube

(LifeSiteNews) — Father Giorgio Maria Faré, an Italian Discalced Carmelite priest who has been expelled from his order after declaring Francis an antipope in the face of his serious errors as well as doubts about Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation, needs your help to fund his daily living and legal expenses.

Support Father Giorgio Maria Faré’s living and legal expenses (US and Canadian dollars accepted)

After declaring in a viral October sermon that he believes Benedict XVI intentionally did not fully resign from the papal office and that therefore Francis’ election was invalid, Faré’s superior declared him excommunicated from the Church due to “schism” and removed him from the Discalced Carmelite order, according to a November 18 letter.

Before the letter of excommunication, Fr. Faré had prayed deeply to ensure that he was acting according to a true conscience in good faith before deciding not to retract his statements.

Without notice or due process, his superior terminated his food allowance, stripping him of the most basic life support — food. Moreover, Faré, who has no personal savings or income as a friar who has lived the vow of humble poverty since his 20s, faces great canonical legal expenses in his efforts to defend himself before the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith against the unjust charge of schism.

If the charge of schism is not reversed, Faré could be defrocked as a priest. Already, his Decree of Excommunication entails denial of access to all sacraments and sacramentals for the rest of his life, and permanent prohibition of burial in holy ground.

Faré has explained to John-Henry Westen, Editor-in-Chief of LifeSiteNews, that he decided to reveal his thesis about the invalidity of Francis’ papacy despite potential severe sanctions because he could not in good conscience remain silent while millions of faithful were falling into errors promoted by Francis — errors of faith and morals that lead to the damnation of souls. 

On October 13, Father Faré delivered a carefully crafted, thorough, and heartfelt presentation from his pulpit in which he raised grave canonical and theological doubts as to the validity of Benedict XVI’s resignation and the validity of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s subsequent election. 

In the speech, he argues that Pope Benedict XVI never actually resigned the papacy, shown in part by the fact that his supposed resignation was merely a declaration and has no legal effect of resignation: Benedict XVI’s formula, “‘I declare to renounce’ is not the same as saying, ‘I renounce,’” Faré asserted in his speech.

He further explained to Westen:

“Let’s consider an example: If I say, ‘I declare to buy a car,’ this does not mean I’m purchasing the car at that moment. I am merely expressing an intention, but the actual action may never take place. Similarly, saying, ‘I declare to do something,’ in the legal context is not a definite act but merely a promise or an intention. To effectively renounce an office, one must state unequivocally that the action is taking place in the present. A correct formulation would be: ‘I renounce my office with immediate effect’ or ‘I declare that I am renouncing my office now.’” 

Faré pointed to another major problem with Benedict XVI’s supposed resignation: The 1983 Code of Canon Law requires that a pope explicitly renounce the munus petrinum — the office of the pope — whereas Benedict XVI, while using the two terms munus and ministerium (ministry) in his declaration, specifically resigned the ministerium alone.

As Faré pointed out, the pope’s specific words were: “Declaro me ministerio Episcopi Romae, Successoris Sancti Petri, mihi per manus Cardinalium die 19 aprilis MMV commisso renuntiare.” (“I declare to renounce the ministry of the Bishop of Rome, Successor of St. Peter, which was entrusted to me by the hands of the Cardinals on April 19, 2005.”)

To date, not one ecclesiastical superior has even attempted to refute Fr. Faré’s arguments and findings, despite his repeated requests that, if in error, they show him where and how. For the sake of the truth and in his defense, Fr. Faré has filed an administrative appeal against the illegitimate decree of excommunication and dismissal from his religious order with the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.

It is courageous and faithful priests like Fr. Faré who serve as the vanguard of the Catholic Church in these times. Let us unite to support him in his time of grave need.

Your contribution will:

  • Provide him with daily food, so ruthlessly and illegally withdrawn by the discalced Carmelite order;
  • Secure for him the canonical and legal defense he needs to defend himself before the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith against the unjust charge of schism that could lead to him being defrocked as a priest;
  • Help advance the inconvenient question that his religious superiors don’t want him to ask — the likelihood that Francis was not validly elected pope, as detailed in Fr. Faré’s research, Never Surrender that Lion.

Support Father Giorgio Maria Faré’s living and legal expenses (US and Canadian dollars accepted)

Father Faré’s cry from the pulpit, “Never surrender that Lion,” inspires all of us to stand fast in the faith and defend what is right, no matter what the cost, for the sake of Christ and His Church.

