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Help bring food aid into Gaza: LifeFunder

(LifeSiteNews) — With Palestinian Christians in Gaza facing annihilation, the Vulnerable People Project (VPP) is working to help save them from starvation. They’re in need of funds, however, for food trucks directed to Christians at most risk of famine.

Palestinians are in the “worst position they have been in since the war started,” VPP founder and director Jason Jones explained to LifeSiteNews. The Palestinians include Christians who have been largely forgotten by their brethren around the world.

Help bring food aid into Gaza with the Vulnerable People Project

“We’re looking at a total ethnic cleansing of the first century Christian community, that has been there since the time of our Savior’s birth … who can trace their lineage back to St. James. They’re on the brink of famine,” said Jones, adding that they are at risk of “dying of starvation.”

The VVP aims to bring in 10 food trucks a month to northern Gaza, with each truck worth about $33,000. The group has thus far raised funds for its first food truck but has a long way to go to fund its next food delivery. 

According to Jones, the Israeli Defense Force has divided Gaza “in half,” with famine occurring in the northern part but not the south, leading to “famine denial” by some who are only pointing to southern Gaza. Moreover, “100% of the Christians in Gaza live in the north.”

Jones told LifeSiteNews that the VPP first reached out to Catholic Palestinians to deliver aid, but that they suggested the Orthodox Christians take priority, because they are more in need of food. 

“I thought that was beautiful,” Jones said. 

The food deliveries include rice, lentils, beans, pasta, oil, dates, bulgur, milk, and sardines.

Jones noted that while the ethnic cleansing of Christians is nothing new, “what’s shocking” is that a country that the U.S. considers to be a “friend, a Western-style democracy, is perpetrating a famine.” 

Despite claims by Israel to the contrary, Jones said that the country is “not engaged in a war against Hamas” but “in a war against the Palestinian people,” noting that about 15,000 Palestinian children have been killed so far, while 20,000 Palestinian children are missing.

“They’ve killed as many children as there are members of Hamas. So I just don’t see a war against Hamas,” he continued.

“I would like to see Hamas eliminated from the equation. As has every Palestinian I’ve talked to,” said Jones, pointing out that there hasn’t been an election in the area “since most people in Gaza were born, and in that last election, Hamas did not win a majority of the vote.” 

Noting that history has been “weaponized against both sides” in Israel’s war, Jones believes that “everyone of good will should be advocating for peace and shared mutual interests.”

“We’re advocating that Israel obeys the laws of war, and simply gets out of the way and lets us deliver food to our fellow Christians,” Jones said.

A little over two months ago, Jones described the situation in Gaza as “absolutely catastrophic,” with 80 percent of Christian homes destroyed and 4 percent of Christians killed in Gaza altogether, most of whom died while attempting to find safety in a Gazan church. 

Jones noted that Gazan Christians are used to Evangelicals acting as though they do not exist, but that it is “sorrowful” that many Catholics also seem to have forgotten them or are indifferent to them.

“It’s hell on earth,” Jones said. “Our heart breaks that our ally Israel is behaving in such a brutal way, using our taxpayer dollars and using our weapons systems to slaughter the first century Christian community… of Gaza.”

