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Help Life Care Network provide pro-life caregivers to Canadian seniors: LifeFunder

TORONTO (LifeSiteNews) — On July 21, a LifeFunder was launched on behalf of Life Care Network, a pro-life organization which aims to protect seniors from being targeted by Canada’s euthanasia program, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD).

Since the 2016 legalization of euthanasia in Canada, hospitals have become increasingly unsafe for seniors, which is why Life Care Network is seeking to provide faithful caregivers to seniors in the comfort of their homes to ensure their lives are not prematurely ended by MAiD. 

“With legalized euthanasia disguised as Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) now running rampant in Canada, it’s very important that our vulnerable senior citizens be given the option to remain in their homes as long as possible with the support of trusted, experienced caregivers who abide by Christian moral principles,” the organization explained.  

“In addition to looking after their daily needs, these pro-life caregivers will also keep a watchful eye for any efforts by doctors, visiting nurses, government-funded personal support workers (PSWs), or even friends and family to try and even suggest considering killing themselves,” it continued.  

The not-for-profit company seeks to find faithful caregivers who are committed to upholding the dignity of life in all stages.  

The caregiver candidates will be carefully screened and interviewed to ensure that they are 100 percent opposed to euthanasia. Then, Life Care Network will recommend the faithful caregiver to a senior citizen who can hire the candidate on a full or part-time basis, as required.  

The referral service will be made available across Canada to senior citizens free of charge. However, the non-profit organization requires funding to identify and screen suitable pro-life caregiver candidates who can be hired by senior citizens and trusted to have their best interests at heart.   

Life Care Network president and founder Lino DeFacendis told LifeSiteNews that he began planning this organization while caring for his parents in palliative care a few years before the legalization of euthanasia.   

“Even then, I sensed a strong, let’s call it covert push by hospital doctors to, in essence, accelerate the death of elderly patients through unethical practices,” he stated. “For example, like continuous drawing of blood for frequent blood work thereby severely weakening the patient, then advising against critical blood transfusions and ‘letting them go quietly.’”  

“Also stopping all medications upon an elderly patient’s admittance to hospital in order to establish a ‘baseline’ for treatment (what?!),” he continued. “Deep down, I just knew these practises did not make any logical sense with respect to improving patient outcome… but I mistakenly trusted in the medical system and doctors’ Hippocratic oath.” 

“Over the past 5 years, LifeSite’s truthful reporting about COVID-related medical practices and corruption also helped open my eyes to the need for vigilance and trusted caregiver oversight while under the ‘care’ of doctors and nurses,” DeFacendis explained. “Especially now, since I’m sorry to say many good doctors and nurses have been weeded out of the medical system for their courageous resistance to forced acceptance of experimental gene therapy injections, and related unethical medical practices.”  

Indeed, in Canada, there has been a growing trend of medical staff suggesting MAiD to vulnerable patients or patients who have not been given sufficient care and therefore feel that MAiD is their only solution.   

In May, LifeSiteNews reported on a Canadian man who felt “completely traumatized” and violated after he was offered MAiD “multiple times” instead of getting the proper care he needed while in the hospital.  

First introduced in 2016, MAiD was initially only available to those who were terminally ill. However, in 2021, the Trudeau government expanded the deadly practice to include those who suffer from chronic illness but whose death is not foreseeable. It is important to note that regardless of if someone is terminally ill or just chronically ill, the taking of a life is gravely immoral.

Not satisfied with euthanasia for the chronically ill, the Trudeau government has also been seeking to expand MAiD to those suffering solely from mental illness. After backlash, the Trudeau government decided to delay the mental illness expansion until 2027. 

The most recent reports show that MAiD is the sixth highest cause of death in Canada. However, it was not listed as such in Statistics Canada’s top 10 leading causes of death from 2019 to 2022. When asked why MAiD was left off the list, the agency explained that it records the illnesses that led Canadians to choose to end their lives via euthanasia, not the actual cause of death, as the primary cause of death.   

According to Health Canada, in 2022, 13,241 Canadians died by MAiD lethal injections. This accounts for 4.1 percent of all deaths in the country for that year, a 31.2 percent increase from 2021.          

While the numbers for 2023 have yet to be released, all indications point to a situation even more grim than 2022.     

To protect vulnerable citizens from being medically murdered, please consider supporting the Life Care Network LifeFunder campaign.  

Help Life Care Network provide pro-life caregivers to Canadian seniors: LifeFunder

