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AFRICA, February 1, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – A diverse group of Africans has appealed to U.S. President Joe Biden in a powerful video to not fund abortion in their countries.
The video, titled A Message for President Biden: The Unified Voices of Africa, was released last week in response to the Biden administration’s announcement that it would repeal the “Mexico City Policy” which would restore foreign aid to organizations involved in abortion.
“We appeal to Joe Biden, please do not sponsor abortion in Africa,” states a woman named Ujunwa who is a university lecturer in the video put out by Culture of Life Africa.
A student named Ellen states in the video that abortion is against African culture. “In my culture, we support life from the beginning till the end. I’m against abortion because abortion is about killing innocent babies in the womb of their mothers,” she said, adding that she’s “against funding of abortion in Africa by any foreign country.”
A doctor named Ursula made it clear that Africa does not “need” or “want” abortion. “I do not want the United States of America and this present government to fund abortions in Africa. We’ve never needed abortions and we do not want them.”
Obianuju Ekeocha, a Nigerian-born human rights activist who is the founder of Culture of Life Africa, said in the video that Biden’s repeal of the Mexico City policy is “horrifying” because it means that organizations that provide abortions — such as International Planned Parenthood Federation, Marie Stopes International, and DKT International — will now receive funding to help “eliminate” Africans.
“This means the elimination of my people. This means the death and killing of the most innocent of the African unborn babies,” she said.
Ekeocha told LifeSiteNews that she believes it’s an “ideological supremacy” that drives western leaders like President Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to push abortion on the developing world.
“The driving force for these western leaders is their desire to propagate their ideology which they believe is in fact superior,” she said.
“I see this as a form of ideological supremacy whereby our pro-life, pro-family, and pro-faith cultures are considered inferior to the western ‘progressive’ ideologies especially on issues related to human sexuality and sexual morality,” she continued.
“Africa is the most vulnerable region where these leaders see a portal of entry that is the widespread poverty and the unfortunate reality of the African nations’ aid dependency. We are the lowest hanging fruit, the easy conquests for western leaders like Biden to impose their world view and their ideology, even when they are very much opposed to our own way of life,” she added.
The Africans make the case in the video that what the people of their countries need is not abortion, but education, vocational training, healthcare, and even basic necessities such as food and clean water.
“Those areas would help better the quality of life of Nigerians and Africans as a whole,” states a man named Moses.
Ekeocha said in the video that the “unified cry” in the hearts of the African people when it comes to foreign aid is simply “help us don't kill us.”
“Any time the Africans are asked, the answer is always unanimous: ‘We do not want abortion,’” she said.
“The question now is this: Will President Joe Biden listen to us? Will he recognize the voice of the African people? Will he respect the cries of the heart of the ordinary African person? Or, will he just be the neo-colonial master like many other Western leaders? Will he be the one to come in to force his own ideas and ideologies in the world of the poor,” she added.
Earlier this month, Ekeocha was featured in a documentary titled Obsessed: Canada's Coercive Diplomacy which shows how Western leaders use aid money to push ideologically-driven programs that are contrary to African values and culture.
Ekeocha said in the documentary that there is no better example of Western countries’ attitude of “paternalism” in Africa than their strategy of bringing Africa out of poverty by eliminating African people through “family planning” and abortion programs that are backed by billions of dollars. She said that she sees “population control” and “eugenics” as the “core” of the sexual and reproductive health projects being carried out in Africa.
Ekeocha explained in the documentary why abortion is so alien to African values and culture.
“African cultures, for example, believe in the bloodlines, that I am the product of my ancestors and I carry the blood forward of my ancestors. So, imagine how societies like that, that believe so strongly in the fact that we, in the present, we are connecting the past to the future generations — so, the past generations (being connected) to the future generations through the human life — will then completely reject abortion because you see that as a break in that kind of blood lineage.”
“Africans also believe so strongly in the fact that the baby in the womb is already alive, the baby in the womb is human,” she said, adding that many Africans name their children before birth.
“There is such a high value that is attached to the human life. So, we have continued to reject this idea that abortion is in any way a good thing. Abortion kills. Abortion is an attack on the most vulnerable.”