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(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon discusses why Canadians should proudly celebrate Christian Heritage Month.

Jonathon begins the episode by noting the recent efforts to have December proclaimed as Christian Heritage Month in each Canadian province. The host then highlighted the revealing response of progressives to the initiative.

“It’s kind of revealing that some progressives see this very anodyne project as a threat. …The pitch of this group is that they want Christian Heritage Month to be a month because it encapsulates the values of inclusivity, unity, and faith. But to progressives, it’s very revealing; they see it as a threat to have a month dedicated to remembering, celebrating Canada’s Christian heritage,” Jonathon said.

The host then emphasized that, as Carl Trueman put it in a column last year, the LGBT movement understands that the key to building an empire is control over time and space.

“They try to control space on the calendar; they’re constantly lobbying to have an increasing amount of the calendar year set aside to celebrate their movement, to celebrate their sexual practices, to celebrate their lifestyles,” Jonathon said.

“This is why they’re constantly pushing to colonize the calendar and insist that ‘Pride’ proclamations be issued by small towns and villages and that the rainbow flag be hoisted everywhere,” he added.

Later in the episode, Jonathon circled back to Canada’s Christian heritage, which leftists consider the country’s original sin and are desperately trying to eliminate.

The host pointed to Toronto city councilor Gord Perks’ recent opposition to the city recognizing Christian Heritage Month. Perks argued that there was no need for a month honoring Christians because Canadian society already has Christianity at its core, dating back to its founding documents.

“In Canada, every day, every minute, every second, every law, everything we do is Christian time. It is the law of this land,” Perks said 

“[Perks] recognizes that Canada was founded as a Christian society, and he doesn’t like that at all,” Jonathon said.

The host then dove into how Perks’ rant underscores why progressives are so opposed to Christian Heritage Month and any recognition of the nation’s Christian roots.  

“Christianity and Western civilization once stood against so many of the things that they stand for, the things that Perks helpfully brought up. Things like the redefinition of marriage, things like abortion. And so this new way of looking at history, which is just to try to find the worst things that happened, pin those things on Christians, and then claim that Christianity was the founding sin of Western civilization,” Jonathon said.

He added that it’s this false narrative that needs to be pushed back against, which Canadians can do by embracing and celebrating Christian Heritage Month.

For more of Jonathon’s analysis, tune in to this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show.

The Van Maren Showis hosted on numerous platforms, including Spotify, SoundCloud, YouTube, iTunes, and Google Play.

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40 Canadian cities, towns and villages proclaim December as Christian Heritage Month

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