REGINA, Mar 16, 2001 ( – Pat Fiacco, the Mayor of Regina, has signed a proclamation declaring June 18 Heterosexual Family Pride Day. Bill Whatcott of Christian Truth Activists had requested the proclamation after mayors throughout Canada have been forced to proclaim homosexual pride day despite objections based on their Christian faith. It seems the city council only took Whatcott’s request seriously after he threatened to file a human rights complaint against the city.
On Monday, June 18 Whatcott plans a Heterosexual Family Pride Parade through the streets of Regina followed by a flag raising ceremony and the Mayoral proclamation.
A draft copy of the proclamation obtained by LifeSite reads:
Heterosexual Family Pride Proclamation
Whereas, the intact heterosexual family unit is ordained by God as clearly revealed in the Holy Bible, Gen 2:23, 24, Matt 19:4-6. Whereas, large bodies of research support the conclusion that intact heterosexual families provide an excellent nurturing environment for children. Whereas, many believe that intact heterosexual families provide a necessary source of stability that benefits society as a whole. Whereas, intact heterosexual family units provide much needed stability and moral direction for children and young adults. Whereas, intact heterosexual families provide sexual satisfaction for the men and women who are committed to them. Whereas, when monogamy is practiced; the husbands and wives who enjoy sexual relations in the confines of their heterosexual marriage have no reason to worry about STD’s, AIDS or broken hearts. I Pat Fiacco, Mayor of the City of Regina, do hereby proclaim, Monday, June 18, 2001 to be Heterosexual Family Pride Day in Regina. In issuing this proclamation we ask our citizens to recognize the intact, traditional heterosexual family unit as a good and venerable institution.
See coverage in the National Post at: