August 8, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – Hillary Clinton is considering becoming a Methodist minister or lay preacher, according to her pastor.
Bill Shillady, Clinton's spiritual advisor and the author of a forthcoming book of the failed presidential candidate's daily devotionals, told this to The Atlantic.
The Atlantic's August 6 article, “Hillary Wants to Preach,” by Emma Green, explores Clinton's apparent dream of being an ordained Methodist minister. The article speculates that Clinton has held back from discussing her faith too much in public recently, and this could be one of the reasons why she lost in 2016. It also notes that Clinton has been mocked or had her sincerity questioned when she speaks about religion.
“Last fall, the former Newsweek editor Kenneth Woodward revealed that Clinton told him in 1994 that she thought 'all the time' about becoming an ordained Methodist minister,” Green wrote. Woodward said Clinton asked him not to write about that for fear of looking too “pious.”
Shillady's book, Strong for a Moment Like This: The Daily Devotions of Hillary Rodham Clinton, is a compilation of the daily devotionals he sent Clinton throughout her campaign. She wrote a forward for it. The title is a reference to the Book of Esther, “which tells the story of a young woman who must stand up to corrupt political figures in order to save her people.”
“In her concession speech, Clinton quoted a verse from Galatians: 'Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart,'” Green noted. “Shillady had sent her that verse in a devotional a few weeks earlier, he said.”
But throughout her 2016 campaign, religion and Clinton's leftist beliefs seemed to clash.
Shillady told The Atlantic he thinks Clinton “would make a great pastor,” but is unlikely to go to seminary or be formally ordained. If she goes into preaching, it will likely be as a lay woman.
Dr. Everett Piper, President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, wondered if Clinton believes “that homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching.” The United Methodist Church officially teaches this.
“Does she believe in the exclusivity of Jesus as the only and 'singular' way to heaven and salvation and with the words of John Wesley himself 'you must be singular or be damned'?” Piper asked. He said John Wesley taught that the Bible is the “only inerrant word of God” and “if there be any mistakes in the Bible, there may as well be a thousand. If there be one falsehood in that book, it did not come from the God …”
“If she can't subscribe to these things then why would she think she should be a Methodist pastor?” he asked.
Clinton strongly supports abortion and gay 'marriage'
The recent article about Clinton's desire “to preach” notes that during the earlier years of her career, she talked about faith much more than she did in 2016.
Clinton has also made many pro-abortion and pro-LGBT statements.
“The unborn person doesn't have Constitutional rights,” she said on NBC’s Meet the Press in April 2016. During the same interview, Clinton admitted that the pregnant woman is “a mother who is carrying a child.”
She once likened pro-lifers to “terrorist groups” and told Planned Parenthood that her campaign “belongs” to the abortion giant and its abortionists.
Banning partial-birth abortion is “extreme, deceptive, and unconstitutional,” Clinton said as a senator in 2003. She then admitted the procedure involves a living “child” by saying, “I believe that forcing a woman to carry a child whom she knows will die is an assault, not only on her health — her mental health — but on our values as a nation and a free people.”
In a partial-birth abortion, all of a baby's body except for her head is delivered. An abortionist inserts scissors or a sharp object into the base of the baby's skull and uses a powerful vacuum to suck her brains out. The infanticidal procedure is illegal, but other methods of late-term abortion are not.
During her third debate with Donald Trump, Clinton defended her stance on partial-birth and late-term abortions, decrying Trump’s disturbing descriptions of the procedures as “scare rhetoric.”
Clinton ran on a platform fully embracing homosexuality, transgenderism, and taxpayer-funded abortion.
Anti-Catholicism and 'spirit cooking'?
Clinton's campaign clashed with religious leaders after Wikileaks released emails in which Clinton staffers ripped Catholicism's “systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations.”
Another leaked email generated controversy because of an emailed invitation to campaign chairman John Podesta and his brother to a “spirit cooking” event. The invitation was from Marina Abramović, a performance artist. Many, including Wikileaks, speculated or implied that this was a Satanic ritual.
United Methodist Church left pro-abortion coalition in 2016
“Hillary Clinton was deeply shaped by her upbringing and coming of age in 1960 Methodism, which was very politically activist and social justice minded, at a point of societal confidence about itself as America’s then largest Protestant church, right before it and other Mainline denominations began their over 50 year decline,” Mark Tooley, President of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, told LifeSiteNews. “She is a living example of how religious upbringing can indelibly shape a person who ultimately has national influence.”
Some Methodist leaders have veered to the left on social and moral issues in the last few years.
But the United Methodist denomination voted to leave the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, a pro-abortion advocacy group of which it had been a member, in May 2016.
In 2017, it threw its support behind continuing Planned Parenthood's government funding.
“Our belief in the sanctity of unborn human life makes us reluctant to approve abortion,” the UMC officially states. “But we are equally bound to respect the sacredness of the life and well-being of the mother and the unborn child…Members will hold differing views on abortion. There is no requirement for members to agree with the Church’s view.”
“It's said that wolves in sheep's clothing are dangerous but wolves in shepherd's clothing are deadly,” concluded Piper.
Clinton's “views have remained in many ways a reflection of what she learned from 1960s Methodism,” said Tooley. He said Methodism in the 1960s “strayed from Christian orthodoxy, was already becoming permissive on abortion, and dissenting from historic Christian teaching on other key ethical issues.”
“Its political perspective was verging on utopian with great confidence in government’s power to reshape society in an arc towards justice,” said Tooley.