WASHINGTON, D.C.,October 11, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Last September, Hillary Clinton considered making a presidential campaign stop at a Planned Parenthood facility, according to newly discovered e-mails written by one of her closest advisers.
The visit would have taken place one day before CEO Cecile Richards testified before Congress about the abortion provider’s alleged involvement in harvesting and selling aborted babies’ organs and tissue.
Clinton’s campaign chairman and longtime adviser John Podesta discussed the proposal in an e-mail chain with his chief of staff, Sara Latham, on September 24, 2015.
Latham saw the event as a chance to make history.
“HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] would be the first 2016 candidate and maybe the first presidential candidate ever (?) to visit a PP health center,” she wrote.
It is not immediately clear if the “health center” she intended to visit performed surgical abortions. But virtually all Planned Parenthood offices distribute the morning after pill, which can work to induce an abortion.
The visit would have been groundbreaking for another reason: Richards was scheduled to testify before the House Oversight Committee the next day.
“Lauren Peterson (who used to work for PP) heard the visit may be Monday,” the day before Richards’ Congressional testimony, wrote Latham.
At the hearing, Richards admitted that Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms, despite her previous assertions that it performed the life-saving procedure.
Latham saw a Clinton visit as synergistic way to further both the Democrat’s electoral ambitions and Planned Parenthood’s pro-abortion lobbying efforts.
“Plus, if it happens on Monday, the very next day is their digital day of action so we could roll right into that and get a nice bump on digital as well,” Latham wrote.
The revelation is contained in one of the thousands of e-mail messages released by WikiLeaks.
It was not the first time private correspondence revealed the depths of Clinton’s warm, personal relationship with the head of the nation’s largest abortion provider. In an e-mail message dated March 18, 2009, addressed to top aide Huma Abedin, Clinton wrote: “I'd like to see some friends at the Planned Parenthood event in Houston before the event, since I plan to leave after I speak.”
Clinton has staffed her campaign with numerous Planned Parenthood and other abortion industry personnel, praised an abortionist who laughed about decapitating babies, and promised “more federal funding for Planned Parenthood.”
Planned Parenthood has, in turn, has invested $30 million to electing Hillary Clinton president in 2016 – twice as much as it gave to President Barack Obama in the 2012 election. Richards is currently stumping the nation, visiting college campuses to turn out the young unmarried female vote for Clinton.
The Wikileaks website went down during the writing of this article.