HOLLYWOOD, March 4, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A Warner Brothers network offering set to hit TV screens this summer ridicules homeschoolers. The Turner Television production called “The O’Keefes” centres around “loving but eccentric parents who’ve home schooled their three children to protect them from the loud and libidinal world.”
An online description of the upcoming program says that “Despite a ban on all things pop culture, teenagers Danny and Lauren and younger brother Mark are growing increasingly curious about what lies beyond the walls of their school/dining room. They can speak six languages, but are unable to converse with kids their own age. The answer lies in their father’s worst nightmare – public school.” In a recent article, Dr. Isabel Lyman, author of The Homeschooling Revolution, refutes the negative stereotypes played up by the sitcom. Lyman comments: “It’s infuriating, but not surprising, that homeschoolers-the largest group in the so-called school choice movement-still elicit scorn. The National Education Association, for instance, regularly passes an anti-homeschooling resolution at its annual convention. The resolution states that homeschooling ‘cannot provide the student with a comprehensive education experience.’ Now it’s apparently Tinseltown’s turn to bash the estimated 1.5 million homeschooled children in the United States.” See the promo for The O’Keefes online at: https://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/ShowMainServlet/showid-10127/
See Lyman’s article: https://www.mises.org/fullstory.asp?control=1167&titlenum=&FS=&title=&Month=