NEW YORK, December 11, 2002 ( – Homosexual activists were incensed over an advertisement for “A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality” which appeared recently in Psychology Today. In an exchange with an outraged lesbian activist, Psychology Today’s editor Robert Epstein defended the magazine’s right to accept the ad and mentioned the scientific support for reorientation therapy, which he noted has not been condemned by the American Psychological Association.
A story about the conflict was published in the December 2nd issue of the homosexual activist magazine The Advocate, by columnist Michelangelo Signorile. Signorile snidely remarked that perhaps Dr. Epstein does not know “that the last celebrity ‘doctor’ who stepped into the homosexuality debate with dubious assertions-Laura Schlessinger-soon saw her multimillion-dollar career deflate as gay activists supported successful advertiser boycotts of her radio show amid a bruising campaign against her.” See the article from The Advocate (warning the site is offensive): (with files from Narth) See the Narth coverage of this incident: