
By Gudrun Schultz

ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota, June 6, 2006 ( – Homosexual activists followed through on their threats to disrupt mass at Roman Catholic Cathedrals on Pentecost Sunday. Last Sunday more than 50 activists, wearing rainbow-coloured sashes “celebrating” homosexuality, demonstrated at St. Paul’s Cathedral during Holy Mass.

The demonstrators were not given Holy Communion. Chaos broke out when one man, not wearing a sash, received Communion and then brokeÂthe hostÂand distributedÂthe fragmentsÂto some sash wearers, who consumed them.

Ushers threatened to call the police, reported the Washington Post, and one church employee wept when Communion was re-distributed to the protesters by the unidentified man. The Mass continued, however, and the incident “ended peacefully,” Archdiocese spokesman Dennis McGrath told the Post.

“It was confrontational, but we decided not to try to arrest the guy,” he said.

The group wears rainbow-coloured sashes while attending Mass to indicate they are actively living a homosexual lifestyle, but intend to receive Communion regardless. The demonstration challenges the Church’s teaching that homosexual behaviour is gravely immoral and constitutes a mortal sin. Under church teaching, a Catholic cannot receive Holy Communion while in a state of mortal sin; he must first confess his sin and receive absolution from a priest.

Several U.S. bishops issued public invitations to sash-wearers in the past, inviting the group to receive communion in their dioceses. Bishop Harry Flynn, of the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis, has been applauded by the homosexual community for offering encouragement to activists.

Last year, however, the Vatican issued a definitive word that the protestors could not receive Communion.

See previous LifeSiteNews coverage:

Homosexual Activists Again Vow to Disrupt Catholic Masses on Pentecost

Homosexual Activists Disturb Masses, Some Denied Communion, Some Steal It Anyway

Rainbow Sashers Call for Day of Protest on Pentecost, Call Pope Benedict a “Homophobe” and Liar