MINNEAPOLIS, August 5, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Faithful Christians within the Episcopal (Anglican) Church temporarily delayed confirmation of the Rev. Gene Robinson as bishop of New Hampshire by a convention of Episcopal clerics. The clerics were hours away from voting to confirm Robinson, who enjoyed enthusiastic support from homosexuals and pro-homosexual Episcopalians. Robinson, a divorced father of two who is in a 13-year live-in homosexual relationship, was elected on June 7. But after a Vermont man stepped forward to reveal Robinson’s “advances toward him at a church convention,” including inappropriate touching, betrayed an “alarming weakness of character,” Church officials postponed the vote. Instead, they named Bishop Gordon Scruton of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts to head an investigation. Other allegations said Robinson was associated with a homosexual “youth group” and homosexual Internet pornography. Today, however, church leaders cleared him and 62 of the 107 bishops voted to approve his election. Forty five voted against. See https://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A21568-2003Aug5?language=printer For Washington Times coverage: https://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20030804-112104-5685r.htm
Homosexual U.S. Episcopal Elected
Cleared of allegations