(LifeSiteNews) — LifeSite holds mothers in the highest regard. In fact, the month of May is especially sacred, dedicated to Mary, the Mother of God.
In response to woke large stores offering email subscribers the chance to opt-out of Mother’s Day content, LifeSite is doing the opposite, gathering a worldwide spiritual bouquet for these extraordinary women.
3449 mothers are being prayed for so far.
The 2023 LifeSite Spiritual Bouquet for Mothers will uplift all the mothers in our lives — building a pro-life generation for our children and grandchildren.
Add your name above — and the name of your mother — to the LifeSite Spiritual Bouquet for Mothers and Fr. James Altman will include you and your mother in this special LifeSite prayer.
Fr. James Altman is a devout and pious priest who is proud to offer the LifeSite Spiritual Bouquet for Mothers to God, in celebration of our mothers, the Mother of God, and the entire Culture of Life.
Simply sign your name above — and your mother’s name — and stay tuned to receive a recording from Fr. James Altman as he offers our mothers in this special prayer from the LifeSite Spiritual Bouquet for Mothers.
Read Fr. Altman’s full prayer below.
Don’t miss your chance to add your name — and your mother’s name — to this special LifeSite Spiritual Bouquet for Mothers. The full length of this beautiful prayer will be prayed and recorded by Fr. James Altman, and then sent back to you in honor of your mother.
Eternal Father, in the Most Holy Name of Jesus, and by the infinite merits of His Most Precious Blood, I beg Thee to bless the Mothers, physical and spiritual, expectant and deceased, of all these LifeSite supporters.
Send down upon them, I pray, Thy Holy Ghost with His graces and healing powers, I ask this by the powerful intercession of Blessed Mary Ever Virgin and of St. Joseph Her most chaste spouse.
Send Thy Holy Angels, O Lord, to defend and protect these and all mothers from the vile attacks of the evil one who tempted the first Eve but was crushed by the heel of the New Eve Who with Her Fiat became the Mother of Thine only begotten Son.
May Our Heavenly Mother be the constant inspiration of all mothers on earth.
May the light of Her faith dispel the darkness of our minds; may Her profound humility take the place of our pride; may Her sublime contemplation check the distractions of our wandering imaginations; may Her continuous sight of God fill our memory with His presence; may the burning love of Her heart inflame the lukewarmness of ours; may Her virtues take the place of our sins; may Her merits be our only adornment in the sight of God and make up for all that is wanting in us.
O Eternal and Incarnate Wisdom, see in the mothers of these LifeSite supporters a faithful reflection of Thine Own dearly beloved Mother. May these good mothers frequently bring Thee to They Own Mother resting in their hearts as they receive devoutly Thy Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
O Holy Ghost, see in the mothers of these LifeSite supporters a faithful reflection of Thine Own Spouse. And because of Her presence there, come as Thou didst at Pentecost come to the Apostles who were with Mary in the upper room. May Thy fire enter them and enliven them to go forth and spread the Good News to the ends of the earth.
Honor your mother in a special way now — join our LifeSite Spiritual Bouquet for Mothers.